Fore-end vertical grips on pump shotguns. What are pros and cons?


New member
Hey guys!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of putting vertical fore-end grips on a shotgun? (I'm not talking about replacing stock with a pistol grip -- just mounting a vertical grip on the pump). I'm considering mounting one on my mossberg 500 that I use for HD, but as a newbie I need advice.

I'm not considering this for tacticool reasons. There are 2 practical reasons: (1) Vertical grip will provide better purchase on the gun for mitigating recoil when the front hand is gripping the gun firmly and is pushing it forward forward (without vertical grip my hand slides forward on the pump during firing, and sometimes comes in contact with WML -- which hurts and which might accidentally activate the WML); (2) with my setup, it will allow me to access WML controls without changing my front-hand grip, when firing from either shoulder.

Please help me think through all the pros and cons of vertical for-end grips on pump shotguns.
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Under extreme stress, and depending on the gun, you might twist the grip somewhat and therefore not eject the spent shell properly.
Grip your current foreend properly, and that is not an issue.
I tried one once, and found it to cause twisting of the shotgun.
Not good for accuracy, and it slowed down the pump operation.
But if you get used to it and it helps with controlling recoil, why not?
Whatever works.
Why not just give it a try.
ok, you guys have convinced me - screw the vertical fore grip :) in all seriousness, i haven't thought about the possibility of unintentionally twisting the pump (thanks, G.W.!) - inducing a malfunction. that's why i love this forum - always learning something unexpected...
I do have the UTG vertical grip/tactical light for my 870. For me it is an advantage because of a metal bar that replaces my left elbow, and a destroyed, and repaired the best they could left shoulder. All stemming from a double gainer off an 8' ladder to a concrete floor!:eek:
I can operate a pump shotgun, but not well, and it's easier to lower if from my shoulder to do so unless I have the vertical grip installed.
But I have to admit I just built it for grins with an AR stock, extended magazine tube, 18" barrel, railed forearm, heat shield with ghost ring sights, and vertical grip. It mostly just lives in the safe, and comes out on occasion to blow up stuff.:D

I have a stubby VFG on a Fab defense forend with a light also mounted on the left side of the forend just forward of it. I find I can fire and pump much faster accurately than without. I can also more easily cycle the gun one handed should an injury ever make it necessary. Pushing the forend to the rear using the VFG against an object, leg, or foot then rolling the gun over to the light going the other way chambering a shell.