For What Its Worth

Sent this the other day to my representatives here in Indiana and DC. Used the following site to submit it: / It will find your representatives and send them each a seperate email.

Keith Mitchell
1005 E106th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46280

Dear Representative Torr:

I am a member of the NRA and the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association.
While I am shocked by the recent tragedy in Littleton, I do not like this rush
to further restrict the liberties of law abiding citizens. I do agree that
some measure of control is needed with firearms.

Requiring manufacturers to include safe storage or trigger locks with their
products seems like a good proposal.

Gun dealers should be expected to follow the same rules at a gun show as they
would have to follow in their store. However, not everyone selling guns at a
gun show is a dealer. Perhaps an effort should be made to find out exactly
what the problem is and the best way to enforce it.

Restricting handgun sales to 18-20 year olds goes to far in my opinion.
Already the 18-20 year old is treated as a second class citizen where alcohol
is concerned. What is next, restricting their purchase of automobiles, since
they have the highest accident rate we can certainly decrease auto deaths
caused by 18-20 year olds by not allowing them to purchase cars.

However, no matter what restrictions you put on firearms, I do not believe
that this is going to solve the root cause of the problem of violence and teen
violence in our country. A more in-depth analysis is needed than the
off-the-cuff psycho-babble sound bites that are coming out of Washington and
the media.

Keith Mitchell

Keith Mitchell

I am a member of the NRA and the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association.
While I am shocked by the recent tragedy in Littleton, I do not like this rush
to further restrict the liberties of law abiding citizens. I do agree that
some measure of control is needed with firearms.

Requiring manufacturers to include safe storage or trigger locks with their
products seems like a good proposal.

Gun dealers should be expected to follow the same rules at a gun show as they
would have to follow in their store. However, not everyone selling guns at a
gun show is a dealer. Perhaps an effort should be made to find out exactly
what the problem is and the best way to enforce it.

Restricting handgun sales to 18-20 year olds goes to far in my opinion.
Already the 18-20 year old is treated as a second class citizen where alcohol
is concerned. What is next, restricting their purchase of automobiles, since
they have the highest accident rate we can certainly decrease auto deaths
caused by 18-20 year olds by not allowing them to purchase cars.

However, no matter what restrictions you put on firearms, I do not believe
that this is going to solve the root cause of the problem of violence and teen
violence in our country. A more in-depth analysis is needed than the
off-the-cuff psycho-babble sound bites that are coming out of Washington and
the media.

Keith Mitchell

And I actually got a response form one so far...

Thank you for your comments. I agree with you 100%! If you are a member of the NRA, I assume you know that they have always supported me in my election efforts. It is unbelievable to me that the media focuses the blame on the guns. By the same logic General Motors is responsible for drunk driving. I do hope that among all the liberal gibberish and rhetoric, some of us really put some efforts into finding solutions to strengthening families and other efforts that will have a true effect on this problem.

Thanks again for your thoughts.
