For those who think home invasions only happen to drug pushers....

Cool, and they'll be out in 7.5-23 years if they serve the full length of their terms, which we know they won't. Just in time to commit more crimes against citizens.
A few years ago around DFW quite a few home invasions took place in a short time frame. The reason I remember is that 3-4 in a row, the bad guys were shot.

The one I liked most was where the home owner answers the door to find a gun in his face. Removes gun from BG and shoots him with it. BG takes off running. Neighbor hearing shots and seeing BG running shoots him too.
Could there be a more clear example of why it is imperative that each and every law abiding citizen have the right to protect themselves from the scum that roam the earth?
People tend to forget bad guys have transportation.

In the city where I work there was a similar situation last week. Four guys in a car would ride up and demand money at gun point.

They shot one person in the leg and stole his iPod. They shot another guy in the leg after he handed over his cell phone and wallet. A third person was shot at with a shotgun. He caught some bird shot in the leg and abdomen from les than 15 yards. Then they pistol whipped another guy after he handed them his wallet, iPhone, and iPad.

All four crimes happened in different police districts on the same night. All of the witnesses described the same car and the same individuals. The police are "still investigating." It never made the news.

I don't mean to hijack the thread. I'm just pointing out that such "roaming" crimes are not unheard of now.
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sorry :o

Reading articles like this just really ticks me off. The fact that some of these guys were given any leniency at all (whether they cooperated or not) is just wrong.
I wonder if these guys were felons in possession of firearms? In our local if they were a felon in possesion of a firearm they would have gotten another 8-10 years in the federal pen for being a felon with a firearm. That is time with no early parole and no credit for good behavior. This time would have been above and beyond the sentences for the home invasions.
This is the very reason i carry to the door and have security camera's up,and up high so people won't notice them.I can turn my tv over to video and see who is outside from at least 2 angles.

It's called layers and i live by them.
The one I liked most was where the home owner answers the door to find a gun in his face. Removes gun from BG and shoots him with it. BG takes off running. Neighbor hearing shots and seeing BG running shoots him too.

Sounds like a bad day at work for a BG. I'm feeling a little guilty laughing at this.