For those of you with impaired vision...


New member
Do you sleep with you glasses, contacts, or whatever in/on at night. I was thinking about it last night; since I sleep without my glasses on, that it would take atleast 3-5 extra seconds to put them on in an emergency. I'm too blind without them to be picking up a gun. I need to be able to see what I'm might be shooting at.

What do you do??
no worries

I can certainly see the COM on a BG well enough without my glasses. I need them for target shooting more because I can't see the holes without them, but I can see the target itself. Don't sleep with your glasses on, you'll just break them.

I only need reading glasses but the front is getting fuzzy, I'm looking at a laser sight for my home defense gun.
I am extremely nearsighted (20/475 right eye, 20/500 left eye) and I do not think it is practical to sleep with glasses ot contacts. Uncorrected my eyes are mote than twice the "legally blind" limit, but I can see well enough to recognize a person I know 10 or 12 feet away.
I can see well enough....

I've always said that owning a dog was the next best thing to owning a firearm for the simple reason that anyone who is stupid enough to enter my home after hearing my 90# dog bark deserves to be shot! :rolleyes:
Springmom - My eyes are getting to where I can't see the hits at 15 yards. I recently tried the Shoot-N-See targets. They are reactive and light up lime green where you hit. If you already know about this please disregard. Regards 18DAI.
I will have to agree with having a dog in the house is the best
alarm you could buy. Never have to worry about forgetting to set the alarm or anything.
I have a dog door just so the dog can run the entire fence line at any time. Just have to get your dogs poisen trained so they wont take or pick up anything from anyone.

I usually dont bother with fishing around on my headboard for my glasses if I hear a "bump in the night".

I have a set of Crimson Trace Laser Grips on my carry gun, I highly recomind them on defensive handguns.
Near your gun should be a strong light -- a pushbutton maglite, sure-fire or even a bright LED light. This is especially true for those of us with myopia (nearsightedness) so you can illuminate and identify a questionable target.

Those of us who've had small kids and used night lights in bathrooms or kids' bedrooms know that these little lights can provide enough illumination to see a silhouette. Putting one at the bottom of a stairwell will show their shadow as they move upstairs.

Lasers are good things, however remember they don't illuminate your target for identification as well as a good bright light. Bright lights blind your opponent, allow you to see who they are as well as where.
My eyes are just over the legal limit to drive, but I can see fine for all practical purposes. So no, I don't sleep with my glasses on or even very near. I don't think I would need them.
I wear contacts during the day, but do keep a pair of glasses on the headboard, right next to my .45 and a good 4 D-cell Mag-Lite.

My eyes are pretty bad, so I would always try to get the glasses on. Hopefully the old grumpy chow that sleeps by the door will give me enough time for it. :D
I've been putting glasses on in the dark for more years than I care to mention, so I don't give it much thought. If the time it takes to put on your glasses is an issue, you may want to consider moving to a safer part of town. If I found myself needing to catch a few ZZZZ's in a place like Bagdad then I would just sleep with them on.
My glasses stay on my nightstand when I sleep, and I am very nearsighted.

I often practice shooting without my prescription glasses on (but with eye protection of course). I know that I am able to hit center mass out to any distance at which I could identify a target. That helps.

My bedside gun is also equipped with Crimson Trace laser grips. Even if everything is fuzzy, I'll be able to see that dot. That helps, too.

My bedroom door is always locked at night. That should give me the extra 1/2 second to get my glasses on in the first place.

I also have developed the habit, over the years, of putting on my glasses before I do anything else when my eyes come open in the night -- you will never find me wandering around the house without them on. If I need to jump out of the window to escape a fire the odds are I won't have a robe on but my glasses will be on my face.

I'm legally blind without corrective lenses. When I go to bed at night I put my eyeglasses on the nightstand beside me.

However, when I wake up I just don't have any problem seeing. I simply don't notice that my vision is impaired without my glasses. (The problem I expereince is adjusting to impaired vision after I've been wearing my eyeglasses and then take them off.)

When I played HS football in the 70s, there really weren't any sports frames for eyeglasses. (And even if there were some halfway decent sports frames back then we couldn't have afforded them.) I practiced and played without my eyeglasses. I played well, and never had a problem I could relate to not wearing corrective lenses.

I train at the shooting range without corrective lenses, a must, IMO if you wear eyeglasses.

My patrol eyeglasses were prescription safety frames, solid nose piece, and spring hinge temples. I carried a pair of those godawful ugly black Cris Combat Specticles, which are equipped with a rubber head strap, in my breast pocket as spares in case my primary pair got broken in a fight or lost.

I wrote an article, published in Law and Order magazine in 1994, for patrol officers who wear eyeglasses.
This is definitely something I've had to consider, as I'm pretty nearsighted. One of the main reasons I want to absolutely be able to avoid fistfights is my glasses. It's not that I can't see someone in my face without them and continue to fight them, it's just that I'm pretty hesitant to do much without the glasses.

I've also had to take into consideration the glasses in an emergency like a fire or break in. They stay right next to me on the night stand, right next to my alarm clock. No pistol there yet, as I'm not yet 21 (just a few more months!), but the glasses, folding knife, and pepper spray are all within EASY reach, at EXACTLY the same spot, ALWAYS.
I train at the shooting range without corrective lenses, a must, IMO if you wear eyeglasses.

And something I've never given a thought to in the past. That's about to change. I think it would be prudent, though, to have someone there with good vision coaching you.... just in case ;) .

My dog would also give me plenty of warning, but it wouldn't be from barking. Nope. It would come from her physically lifting my bed up as she tries to get her 206 pound butt under it to hide :D .
IDing the threat is the top priority. My vision is bad but not so bad that I can not make the ID.

This is one of the reason that I looked into threat focus skills. My ability to shift my focal plane from the threat to the sights has detriorated over the years. It takes time to bring my focus back to the sights. Therefore I looked into threat focus skills. Something that all of the older eyes out there may want to consider.
My ability to shift my focal plane from the threat to the sights has detriorated over the years. It takes time to bring my focus back to the sights.

I've been trying to tell you guys with bad eyes to get lasergrips. Come join us in the 21st century. :)

"In my youth, I was a champion shooter and called 'The Modern Day Gunfighter'. As I aged a bit and began wearing bifocal lenses, it became very difficult to adjust my focus from the front sights to the target.

I tried Crimson Trace Lasergrips and was sold immediately. I now can carry a pistol and shoot accurately beyond 50 yards. I can once again carry a firearm with confidence."

Jim Cirillo, LE Trainer, Author, Retired NYPD and US Customs, 17-0 Record Against Armed Felons
I would never sleep with my glasses on. The frames would be completely destroyed by morning, the way I toss and turn.

I am not quite as bad off as some of you guys, but I know I can see well enough to score a hit anywhere in my house (or backyard).