For Seecamp Owners

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I put 50 Silvertips through my new Seecamp at the range last night.
It amazed me that the little pistol, even with no sights was accurate at about 21 feet. I did have two malfunctions that I had never seen before. The magazine holds 6 rounds. Two times, at the end of a magazine, when I fired the fifth shot, the live sixth round ejected with the empty fifth round. The brass was OK, but the bullet was a little deformed. I thought maybe it was due to a week mag spring, but the pistol is brand new. So, I thought I'd ask if anyone else had any ideas.

Kentucky Rifle
Clearly, you have irrepairably damaged the pistol through your own carelessness and the warranty is void as a result.
Ship the gun to Austin, I will generously give you
$25 for it (you pay the shipping) & I'll use it as a paperweight.

Thank you for your very generous offer. In return may I offer you some ocean-front property that I own and is located in south-cental Kentucky? Of course, the ocean view is entirely contingent upon how acute your vision happens to be. However, believe me, you can see it if you look hard enough!
Seriously though. My arthritis was bothering me last night (cold rain in Louisville) and I was wearing some light shooting gloves. I think I may have "limp wristed" a couple of shots due to firing such a small pistol with gloves on and the last round just got "flipped" out of the magazine when the slide was cycling.
Man! Silvertips may be the highest rated .32 (according to some sources), but have you ever noticed how dirty they are? There was a surprising amount of "gunk" that had to be cleaned out of the little pistol.

Kentucky Rifle
I was curious if your Seecamp owners manual said that
ammo other than Silvertip were O.K. to use. It
always used to say Silvertip ONLY but I've read some articles about the Seecamp where they have used other
ammo & Larry Seecamp had said some other types are O.K.
I know Magsafes are supposed to be reliable in Seecamps.

Ever try Gold Dots? I haven't but in talking to the folks
at Autauga, they said that is what all of them use in
theirs. I carry Silvertips in mine right now.

I bought a Seecamp 3 years ago. It was new as in unfired
but I found out later it was a number of years old based on the serial number and the magazine (the newer ones have "Seecamp" stamped on the bottom, mine didn't). I suspect a distributor had kept it as a back-up for awhile and probably got a newer one and sold mine to the gun shop
where I bought it.
The slide would jam in the open position after a magazine or 2. I only put about 150 rounds through it and
I sold it to a Seecamp fanatic who didn't care about the problems. It may have been the magazine or maybe it just needed a little more breaking in. Nice gun but I'm happy
with my Autauga and P-32.

No, I haven't fired anything but Silvertips in my Seecamp. The owner's manual says to use only Silvertips, in two places. (One place says Silvertips only in RED.)
And yes, the bottom of the magazine is stamped: SEECAMP
I have some .32ACP Magsafes that I keep my Kel-Tec P-32 loaded with, and in a side by side comparison, they look like they have the same length and profile as a Silvertip.
I might try some Magsafes after I run the "200 break-in rounds" of Silvertip ammo through the Seecamp.

Kentucky Rifle
Limp wristing? That was the only thing I could think of. When the slide is recoiling, the top round in the magazine jumps forward up the ramp and out of the feed lips on the top of the mag.

It does this for three reasons. First, the mag spring has the least power with the last round. Second, the gun is lighest creating the most recoil and thus forward force on the last round. Finally, since the gun recoils further in the hand (often aggravated by limp-wristing) there is a longer delay of the slide at full travel giving the round more time to jostle free of its intended path.

Knowing what I know about the Seecamp, you might want to consider drying the chamber. A dry chamber assists in delaying opening of the action longer.
I bought two Seecamps a few years ago @ $350 each. Waited eight months to get them (direct from Seecamp). One was 100% reliable, the other was not (would jam 2 out of 5 rounds). I tried hand picking Silvertips out of the box that were not deformed (that can get expensive!) to no avail. Sent the non reliable gun back to Seecamp, got the the gun back some four months later, took it to the range, little, if any, improvement. Sold to a collector that had to have one. Kept the other for several years, started having the same problems (suspected the magazine) sold that one also. I just bought a P-32. Regardless of reliability questions, they can be fixed, and promptly, by the factory. Seecamps, by my experience, can be great guns. But, if they're not, good luck...