For RP supporters

Would you hold your nose and vote for Huckabee or Thompson in the general election?

  • NO

    Votes: 21 32.3%
  • Maybe when confronted with the thought of HillBama in the White House

    Votes: 16 24.6%
  • YES

    Votes: 28 43.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Just curious if Dr. Paul does not get the nomination would you consider voting for Huckabee or Thompson in light of their stance on the RKBA versus Clinton or Obama?

I know it is irksome to think about but when faced with an anti in the White House it is something to ponder even with all of our other national woes.

I myself will definitely vote for the libertarian candidate if Romney, Gulliani or McCain get the nomination.

I will also continue to support RP until after the nomination process.
Thompson might get my vote if he managed to get his campaign going. Not so sure about Huck, but I don't consider him a viable candidate at the moment. He still has no money, and RP is about to beat him in New Hampshire, according to the latest Rasmussen poll. Ras underestimated Paul's Iowa turnout.

Any of the rest would not get my support.
I really agree with Ron Paul on many topics and since I really DON'T like Romney and Gulliani I would definitely vote Obama.
I cannot fathom how any gun owner who cares about the RKBA could vote for Hillary or Obama.

Hillary Rodham Clinton offered her support for a legislative proposal to license hand guns. The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer, would require anyone who wants to purchase a gun to obtain a state-issued photo gun license. “I stand in support of this common sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun,” Clinton said. “I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry, such as Chuck is proposing.”
Source: Jun 2, 2000
Principles that Obama supports on gun issues:
Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.
Increase state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.
Source: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998
I cannot fathom how any gun owner who cares about the RKBA could vote for Hillary or Obama.

If they honestly believe that, for rights as a whole (not just RKBA), the other candidate is worse and if they honestly believe that Clinton or Obama would not be able to push through the kinds of gun control policies they support. But only if both are true, and even then it's a long shot.
I voted Yes, but only since "Of Course" wasn't an option. :)

If Paul isn't the nominee, Huckabee and Thompson are both acceptable, and certainly preferable by far to Clinton and, especially, Obama. I'd vote for McCain or Giuliani over Clinton and Obama.

Of all the candidates, both parties, Obama is my least favorite. Who wants to turn the USA into Chicago ? Not me.

Clinton is preferable to Obama, and probably preferable to Biden.

I could get definitely get on board with Huckabee. His ideas aren't quite as extreme as RP's anyway, but still in line with mine.
I have a friend who is a die hard party voter. He told me he's going to vote for Hillary to see who Bills screws next. He also says he like's scandals. Pretty well sums up the mentality of her supporters. Of course as far as politics goes he'd vote for Saddam Hussien if he ran on the DFL ticket. Rudy is dead in the water. Obama wants to be president but won't even pledge top the flag. (link at bottom) ZI think it will be Edwards and the DFL ticket. Hillary is already on the down slide. Obama has no expeierence. If either of this two get the nomination the GOP will win. The only DFL canidate who stands a chance of winning the general is Edwards. Who took second in Iowa.
I have a friend who is a die hard party voter. He told me he's going to vote for Hillary to see who Bills screws next. He also says he like's scandals. Pretty well sums up the mentality of her supporters.

considering the the tasteless obsession towards celebrities and socialites and their indescretions that the media hungry general populace share, i would not be suprised if your friend was telling the truth.
No. If you want things to be different, you have to do something different. "Holding your nose" and voting for someone gives them no incentive to change.
I don't think either of those two or hilbama have any intention of getting us out of the bloody dust-hole. Once in power they would not have the cajones to do it because of a fear they would be labeled "the president who lost Iraq".

Iraq is my biggest issue in the next election and while I think Ron's fiscal policies may be over the line into weirdness, he would have to work them through congress to get anything done and he is the only one who I trust to get us the hell out of Iraq.

If Ron does not win the republican nomination, I'll vote for him as a third-party candidate. If he does not run as a third-party candidate, I'll vote for another third party or write-in somebody.

I will not vote for a "more of the same" republican or any of these insane democrats.

"But you will be wasting your vote" you say...

Nope. I will vote with my conscience and that is never a "wasted" vote. The only candidate who "can't win" is the one who's supporters desert him because of spineless fears that somebody worse may win if they don't switch sides.
A resounding YES! I switched from Paul to Thompson when it became clear last summer that Paul could not win the nomination then to Huckabee when Thompson wimped out.

I would warn all the folks who voted no in this poll that this was the exact thing which happened in 1992 between Bush I, Clinton and that millionaire Ross Perot who drew just enough of the Republican vote to assure that Clinton won. I gearrundamntee you that a vote for an unelectable third party candidate will mean Hillabama in the white house in 2008. :eek:
I don't think the Germans, Russians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cubans or N. Koreans would say that their overall rights, or RKBA rights, fared so well under the ever reapearing left-wing ideology started by Marx. The leftist "anti-war" foks would do well to realize that their ideology has killed more than all the wars in the last century. No votes for Hillbaba for me. Any one else!
Leftists aren't antiwar, they're the most pro-war people there are.

If Ron Paul isn't the Republican nominee, then I don't vote next November.
I would warn all the folks who voted no in this poll that this was the exact thing which happened in 1992 between Bush I, Clinton and that millionaire Ross Perot who drew just enough of the Republican vote to assure that Clinton won. I gearrundamntee you that a vote for an unelectable third party candidate will mean Hillabama in the white house in 2008.

As a rejoinder to this line of thinking, it could be argued that the sizeable independent/Perot bloc was the engine that spawned Newt's "contract with america"; and allowed more conservative republicans to get elected and control congress in the '94 timeframe. Despite 8 years of clinton and the despised AWB, that arrangement led to a few balanced budgets (well, if you exclude SS). Has Bush balanced any budgets; even with control of Congress?

If a groundswell of support for conservative candidates/issues arises, it generally leads to some kind of electoral response, even if the executive branch is controlled by the more liberal party.

Another observation, it could be argued that losing the presidency can help galvanize factions within RKBA. For evidence of that assertion, I invite everyone to do a reverse historical search of TFL legal and political forum, back to about '99. You'll find more unanimity of opposition to gun control, and strident debate was more vocal (and permitted). Under (supposedly pro-gun) Bush, I sense more divisive bickering; more acceptance of bureaucratic 2A abuse from within the gun community online; and quicker shouting down of dissension since "our guy" is president (usually under the pretext that strong rhetoric might turn off fence sitters) :barf:

In conclusion, loyal support for conservative ideals, or even third party candidates should they arise, can have beneficial consequences. Simply saying RP=hilbama; might be overly simplistic.
What if the ticket were Huckabee/Paul or Thompson/Paul? Would that make the RP protest voters put their own interests before the Kool Aid drinking suicide pact?
I think nominee Paul might ask Barry Goldwater Jr. to be his running mate.

I don't think RP will ask either Huckabee or Thompson to fill that slot.
forkslapush said:
What if the ticket were Huckabee/Paul

paul wouldnt run on a ticket with a big government lib.

forkslapush said:
or Thompson/Paul?

thats a ticket i could definitely get behind, but im about 90% sure paul wouldnt go for it.

ETA: i voted "maybe..." i would vote for thompson. i havent decided if the massive expansion of government that huckabee would try to bring is worth a "pro 2nd amendment" president.