For poll watchers like myself - an update


New member has this chart and they update it as they get the info.

Seems Bush is increasing his lead....for this day anyway.

Rasmussen won't be updated until about midnight - 2 am Est. ABC should be updated in the next 3 hrs. Gore has slipped big in the Battleground poll. He has slipped in the IBD poll and Bush is solidifying in the Gallup. Mostly unchanged in 5 days.

Zogby has Bush only down 2 in CA

Tracking Polls - 11/4/00
Bush Up 5.7% Bush Gore
RCP Tracking - 11/4 46.6 40.9
Battleground - 11/4 46.0 37.0
Rasmussen - 11/3 46.4 42.5
Zogby/MSNBC - 11/4 46.0 42.0
Gallup/CNN - 11/4 47.0 43.0
ABC/WP - 11/3 48.0 45.0
IBD/TIPP - 11/4 48.0 40.5
I really enjoy the RCP site. It's kept me optimistic over the past several weeks. Good articles, links, and political commentary, too.
What is the link to Rasmussen and Zogby?

[This message has been edited by mrat (edited November 05, 2000).]

The battleground poll is at

Zogby scares me, but battleground and Rasmussen don't and those are the ones I'm watching. It does look like Gallup, probably the oldest, has straigtened out their act and are showing steady Bush lead.

Just heard on Fox news that for the last 18-24 months Bush has led every week except 7 weeks. Those were around the Dems Convention. Let's pray.......I don't think Tuesday will ever get here.........arrggg
