For Non Gun Nuts


New member
After reading many post and seeing much tension I will offer the following...
Discounting what our founding fathers intended "I will assume you know what The American Revolution was about" I will try to offer a bit of insight about GUNS
As a child there was a mistique involved because firearms were held in high respect by my dad and his dad. They both knew what a wonderful tool a firearm is but they also knew the responsability that came with using the tool. My dad passed this along to me because he knew that enjoyment could come from the use of firearms as well as the need that he and my Gramps had found. They hunted to feed the family etc during the Depression.
Both of these guys were well burned out on hunting by the time I came along but they still had a few arms and they passed along the history of them to me as well as several arms and a great education. Now I love to collect a few arms, many of which I have committed some of the smithing on. I have my own collection of over 70 arms, all of which I shoot on occasion. I only have one arm stashed back and it's not for a collector,I just haven't decided what to do with it yet. My respect of arms has given me a hobby/job that I enjoy very much. I can look around the room as I post this and see stocks that I have carved and finished and other projects that have been done! I love to put together a great arm, purchase a great arm and fire it to it's potential. Over the course I have gotten into reloading as well.
It is all a great hobby, all things that I can do at my home without bothering a soul.
Until you get a woodie when you see the delivery man bringing that stock blank or whatever you will never understand what I am trying to say. Please give us Gun Nuts a break.
I have my PDW and my CCP and that's not this
story. Some folks just like GUNS!!!
Sorry Folks