For Lieberman, Guns Are No Easy Target (Wash Post 9/22/00)


New member

I'd like to hear Lieberman explain this while standing up for Gore's ant-gun movement.

"Vice presidential candidate Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.) has a long record of support for gun control, making him a
convincing advocate for a key plank in the Democratic platform.

But when it comes to defending the interests of the firearms companies that make pistols, rifles and shotguns in Connecticut's "gun valley," Lieberman has sometimes acted like just another home-state senator defending his region's economic interests.

He has helped keep one controversial gun off Congress's list of banned assault weapons. He voted to repeal a far-reaching District of Columbia law allowing victims of assault weapons violence to sue gunmakers. He defended the industry against a
Democratic-led effort to prevent gun manufacturers facing liability lawsuits from declaring bankruptcy...."