For anti-Paul people, who is your most constitutional candidate?


New member
In another thread Fremmer said (in regard to Ron Paul)
But he's not the most constitutional candidate.
To avoid further thread drift, I ask my question here.

OK then, Fremmer, please tell us, in your opinion, who IS the most constitutional candidate. Provide support, please.

Anyone else who has a "more constitutional candidate" may chime in here, too. But, please let's keep this on the candidates' support of the constitution.

Edited to change title as it violated etiquette.
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I don't seriously expect an answer to this thread.
I do have something to expand on that's 95% relavant to this thread, but before I get to it I'd like to point something out that could save you some grief:

It's considered bad form to refer to a specific member in a thread title.
I have serious doubts that very many people (even on a gun forum) consider adherence to the Constitution very highly in their choice for a president.
The Constitution makes for a nifty argument when things don't go their way, but I suspect most people don't give it much thought beyond that. The rest of the time it's just an anachronistic holdover from the agrarian days...assuming they know what it is at all.
Sad but true.
GoSlash I would go so far as to say many on this forum are perfectly fine with the violation of the constitution as long as it is in their favor or makes them feel safer from whatever boogeyman they are afraid of. A couple examples are a federal ban on abortion, DOMA or the Patriot Act.
As far as an alternative to RP as the most constitutional candidate for me it would be the Libertarian Parties candidate. Unfortunatly they haven't had their convention yet so I can't give a name.
Bad form deserved.

It's considered bad form to refer to a specific member in a thread title.

True, it's not polite, but at the same time it's deserved. The member in question has repeatedly hijacked threads to spout his anti-Paul rants, sometimes with only loose relation to the topic at hand. THAT is bad form also, and sometimes folks just need to be held accountable by their peers. Better to have your peers warn you than have the mods slam you, as stated in the sticky at the top of L&P.

For evidence of this behavior, check out his posts in the Liberty Dollar thread. Ron Paul and Liberty Dollar may be related, sure, but it was NOT the topic of the thread. It was turned into, by Fremmer AND OTHERS, an anti-Paul spout.

This thread is not about Fremmer in particular, but all of the anti-Paul members who have dismissed one option without suggesting another. This is their place to tell us all why not Paul and who the alternative is to them. I think this will be a welcome discussion as I've not decided on any one particular candidate yet, and would like to hear some information.

In regards to the topic of this thread, however, I believe that of the potentials making any news at all, Huckabee may be the best choice after Paul. His veiws on most issues are conservative without being extremist. He might have enough common ground with both sides to get traditional Conservatives and neo-cons on the same page, or at least in the same chapter.

Unfortunately, I fear that the Repulicans will nominate Giuliani based soley on popularity/name recognition, without regard to his stand on any current issues, which seem to be more in line with those of the Democratic ticket in almost all cases.
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Anyone else who has a "more constitutional candidate" may chime in here, too. But, please let's keep this on the candidates' support of the constitution.

I think Paul is theoretically the "most constitutional". Now, you may lead me like a defense attorney and say "So, you're anti-Constitution, then...aren't you?"
It's just that Fremmer made the statement in another thread that Paul was not the most Constitutional candidate out there.

I could envision a situation where I'd shy away from the most Constitutionally correct candidate in a race. Imagine if someone was 99.9% dead-on except that he was constantly arguing that the repeal of slavery was procedurally null and void and if elected he would round up all the slaves and get them back out in the cottonpatch. :eek:
He might be the most correct out of the field, but that'd be a deal breaker for me.

But admit it: you do hate the Constitution tho' :D
Constitutional or no, he's not electable. I don't think Huckabee is, either. It will boil down to, unfortunately, a popularity/money contest among the leading candidates who may/may not be our best shot at beating the dark side.

These are truly times in American politics...I pray I'm wrong about what likely will happen unless folks really think about more than a single issue before exiting the polling booth.
JMAG, This thread is not about electability. It was inspired based on Fremmer's statement that Ron Paul was not the most constitutional candidate. Please, let's stay on topic.
Constitutional or no, he's not electable. I don't think Huckabee is, either. It will boil down to, unfortunately, a popularity/money contest among the leading candidates who may/may not be our best shot at beating the dark side.

I said it in another thread in Minnesotas recent history both Ventura and Wellstone were said to be unelectable and in Venturas case both sides were calling him the Ross Perot of that election. Both men were outspent by margins of 6 to 1 or more. Both won with grassroot support that didn't show up in media polling.

These are truly times in American politics...I pray I'm wrong about what likely will happen unless folks really think about more than a single issue before exiting the polling booth.

I don't know about anyone else but I most definitly am thinking about more than one issue which is why I am planning to vote the way I will.
Hawg, this is going off-topic. I started to respond but this has all been covered in appropriate threads previously.
My apologies for being "off" topic. But, being the most or the least "constitutional" of candidates will not, like it or no, win this election.

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