Food for Thought...


In theory, if another ban went into place to totally eliminate high capacity magazines and semiauto rifles. I would not destroy or surrender any of my firearms. Think of how many other people have this same mentality...

Is that a reduction of crime? Well Sarah Brady?
Too quote Sarah Brady "I don't think gun owners have rights."
You have to wonder if their goal has anything to do with crime at all. Based on the statistics, I would guess their agenda is the eventual banning of all firearms ala Britain, Australia, et al. They hide in the shadows until they can piggy back off of an ugly crime to push their agenda in furtherance of their end game. An appeal to emotion completely devoid of logic or fact.

Once a right is rescinded it is extremely difficult to get back.
If the Soviet Union was our enemy due to communism, logistically, we will be our own enemies, or enemies of state.