Foaming bore cleaner

Can someone recommend a foaming bore cleaner that actually works? I have used the break-free foaming bore cleaner in the past but I can no longer find it.
I was going to recommend Outers Foaming Bore Cleaner, but I can't find it for sale anywhere. I don't know that it's as good as BreakFree, but it was decent. I had no complaints.

I have used Hoppes Elite Foaming Bore Cleaner, but I don't like it. IMO, it's not nearly as good as either Outers or BreakFree, nor even anywhere near as good as the standard (nonfoaming) Hoppes Elite Cleaner.
I've been very pleased with WipeOut. Patches come out blue signifying copper removal. Also, unlike something like Sweets which is ammonia based, you can leave WipeOut in for hours.
I’ve just started using wipe-out and am happy as well. During the covid crisis I did a deep clean on all my firearms using this and it seems like it dug out some deep copper fouling on some of my older hunting rifles in particular.

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I can third the wipe-out suggestion. I cleaned the bore of a Russian capture K98 with the stuff. Before cleaning it looked like the proverbial sewer pipe, like it had seen three Stalingrads. Next day swabbed it out and bore shined like a mirror. Absolutely non hazardous to barrels.
Fourth'd... Wipe-Out works really well. On the other hand, I found out that one of my .308s shoots better with fouling. So... :D
If you don't need a foaming one, Boretech's Eliminator works the same way. Both use surfactants to lift carbon and copper off the barrel steel.

I've used it for years, great stuff and I recommend it to anyone that asks what I use.
I think I tried them all . Wipe Out - Patch Out worked well , whatI tested was after cleaning my barrel and the barrel came out clean , I ran two wet patches with Hoppes #9 ( old reliable ) in the barrel and let it soak for 15 minutes . Ran dry patches and after removing the wet slovent using only dry patches the patches came out brown. What works best is after shooting at the range I run 3 patches with Ballistol , I leave the Ballistol in the barrel and when I get home I remove the Ballistol and soak with #9 again until my patches come out clean . Try what ever you use and when you think it's clean , try old reliable . It truly is hard to beat . After the barrel is clean I run a patch with Ballistol in the barrel but remove using dry patches before shooting.
I loved outers but it is getting hard to find. Last time I found it I purchased 4 cans. I’m interested in wipe out now that it’s been mentioned.

I love FBCs I’ve had better luck with outers FBC than most other copper solvents.