FNS-9 slide stuck


A friend dropped this off to me and said the slide got stuck after being reassembled. I had this happen with one of my guns while firing crappy ammo and was able to fix it by hitting it against a hard padded surface. And the jolt knocked it loose and solved the problem. That method is not working on this FN. You can smack the back of the slide and it will shoot forward but the barrel and spring still sticks out the front about an inch and it isn't lined up correctly.

Apparently it was reassembled wrong and isn't on the tracks correctly. Any ideas?

The barrel must be "beaten" back to the rear; or the locking cam will pop it up to jam the slide.

I would do the following if it were in my shop.

1. Put the slide back as much as it can go. Best if it can go to the lock-back position.

2. Hold the grip and ram the muzzle vertically on padded wood surface, to beat the barrel back.

3. Repeat the process till the slide can lock back and the barrel goes to the rear. It is imperative that the barrel lock lug, the part that fits into the slide's ejection port, drops down and clears the slide.

4. Unlock the slide. It should go forward and the barrel's lock lug should lock up correctly.

5. Field strip and inspect damage.

Hope this helps.

I am not an expert on the FNX, so take what I'm about to say with a grain (or perhaps a pile) of salt:

Judging from what I know about the design of this general type of pistol, plus what I see in the photo, I suspect that the problem was caused by somehow getting the takedown pin BEHIND the barrel lug that it is supposed to control. The slide can't close because the barrel can't ride back and up into battery, and it can't open because the recoil spring and guide are now out of place.

I'd be disinclined to employ the "heavy hammer" solutions proposed (and which work in some other cases). Rather, I'd start by seeing if I could get the takedown pin out of the frame. Usually, these are removed (from this type of pistol; as I said, I'm not an expert on the FNX in particular) by rotating and pulling from the left. This may require some manipulation of the slide to remove pressure on the pin.

If that fails, then I'd check to see if the steel inserts into which the slide rails fit are removable (a la the M&P), and not permanently molded in (a la certain other polymer pistols). If so, I'd remove the pins holding the inserts (there are usually two: the locking insert in the vicinity of the takedown pin and the fire control insert back where the sear is) and see if I could work the slide cum inserts up and out of the frame.

And, of course, if that fails, I'd send the gun back to FN, expecting to have to pay for the repair of what appears to be a plain operator error.
I saw something similar happen on a glock. It required the striker plate to be removed which was simple enough to do.

It might be worth a shot.