FNG needs scopae base/rings help!


New member
Ordered my first "real" center fire rifle. Starting on a budget, but I like what I've heard about them. It's a no-frills Howa 1500 with a 24" heavy barrel in an ugly black stock.

As I don't have the rifle in hand yet, I can only assume that it's a short action. I know some manufacturers have made long action rifles in .223 in the past, but I would guess it's not common.

Am I to understand that I can use any two-piece base for a Remington 700 for this rifle? Is a two-piece base "giving something up" to a one-piece base? I know that some outfits do make a one-piece base for the Howa 1500, but it sounds like it's not a common item. Do I lose "stability" or some such thing with a two-piece base?

Next up is rings -- what style or kind should I pick and why?

I'm a long time handgun guy and full-bore handloader. Center fire rifle is a completely new gig for me and I know very little beyond what I've read over the last 30 years of gun magazines, so all opinions and experiences would be much appreciated.
Well, as far as picking bases, one factor is going to be what kind of ranges are you going to be shooting?

And for rings, what is the diameter of scope that you will be using? (1" and 30mm are the two most common)
Most any non-El Cheapo rings and bases will do just fine. I've used Weavers for sixty years with zero problems. Not saying they're "the best", but IMO there's no such thing as best. Some are better for certain purposes, but so what?

Many very good options for scopes. For general hunting, I'd not go fancier than a 3x9x40 in the $200 range, +/- a bit. If paper-punching is more important, you get more precision by going a bit higher, say a 4.5x14x40.
I'm not sure exactly what you're wanting and/or needing, but lemme just throw this at you,

I just had got a Remington 700 .308 , and it was the day after Election Day so I had at least an hour to two on hold for NICS check. I knew that the wait would be a while and my new rifle came drilled and tapped but it didn't come with a mount or picatinny rail / scope base. (The $1200+ Kimber 84M LPT they had *did* come with a scope base/mount ,but at $500+ more, I just couldn't do it. I wanted the Kimber when I saw it but I knew it was just lust... the Remington 700 was good enough for the US Army and USMC and all their snipers with the M24 SWS / M40 etc... so I didn't need no stinkin Kimber and its fancy little scope base)

So anyway while we were waiting I saw the gunsmith pop out of the back of the store, and I asked him, "Hey would it be possible for you to maybe take a look at my rifle and see about installing a scope base while we wait??" He was suddenly exicted, like, Work to do!! Nice!!! Anyway he said he COULD do a two piece base, if I had to save my money, *OR* I could have the better but more expensive one piece base, I asked, how much are we talking here... he's like...Well I don't want to give you any junk...... so I'd be using a Leupold base..... it would be..... and again I dont want you to get junk so ... " I'm like , DUDE the price already???

he's like... $25 dollars........ BUT WE COULD GO CHEAPER if you have to...
I'm LOLing like, Dude lol put it on already, $25 bucks for a better option from a great name company, sure! and hes like... PLUS You need the rings..... moremoney, Another $20 bucks..... Again I LOL and I'm like, Dude go ahead man, please no problem/

So I got a Leupold 'standard 1 piece base' for the Remington 700 plus standard Leupold medium rings for $25+$20 (And since I bought the rifle he didn't charge me any work fees etc.) I wound up buying a Nikon Monarch 5-20x44mm scope, which is also 1" tube and 44mm is fine to use Medium rings. I *MIGHT* go to high rings after trying it out for a while but as of now, I am perfectly happy with my $45 setup., and I really don't think I skimped on anything. So if you can afford that m,uch you can have a similiar setup too brother.
To start, the rifle will be used to shoot small groups on paper at 100 yard from a sandbag rest. When I'm satisfied that it will do that, I hope to exercise it regularly from 100 to 300 yards on hanging steel plates.

Eventually, like within the next 1-2 years, the plan is to take it with me to South Dakota and introduce it to the prairie dog population.

I'm guessing I'll be doing 1-inch diameter scope.
I would recommend a minimum of a 4-16x scope since you are wanting to do some P-dog hunting. Those little buggers are small little things, especially when you are trying to hit one out past 300 yards.

What type of budget are you looking at for the bases/rings? And do you have a scope in mind already?
lmfao at your quote brothaham

LMFAO at your quote dude,

"Eventually, like within the next 1-2 years, the plan is to take it with me to South Dakota and introduce it to the prairie dog population.

That just ROFLCoptered bro, like ROFLShuttle of the StarShip Enterprise, ROFLDeepSpaceNine and LMFAO'Phaser Rifle

I'd like to keep base/rings somewhere $50-$75, is that do-able?
Should I be looking for (what seems to be) a scarce one-piece base made specifically for a Howa, or would the two-piece Rem 700 bases be "good enough." ?

In rings, I don't need anything that's quick change or whatever. It'll take a scope, and then maybe a better scope, but it's not like I'll be wishing to swap things out on any repeating basis. Something without dovetails just seems more sturdy to me, but again--I'm new at this.

Simply snagged the rifle from CDNN. I bought it because it's .223, 24" barrel and heavy barrel. For the price, I figured it was a good place to start. They are throwing in a super-el-cheapo scope and I don't mind giving it a twirl, but I also see an upgrade happening. I don't intend to spend major money on glass. I don't feel I need anything durable as it's going to be .223 and I won't be climbing a mountain with it.

I get the distinct impression that CDNN is throwing in the scope just because they have bushel baskets full of cheap scopes (if you know these guys, "cheap optics" is their middle name) and not because it's a proper scope for this rifle. It's a throw-in, nothing more, and doesn't even come with any way to mount it.

If I go with a two-piece mount, I'll have a billion to choose from as it crosses with the Rem 700. If I am better off sticking with a solid one-piece, then my options are MUCH slimmer.
1 or 2 piece base is just personal preference. My preference is 2 piece. Leaves the area over the loading/ejection port more open.

There are dozens of setups that would work fine.
Leupold standard or dual dovetail, Burris XT bases with Burris Zee rings or Warne Maximas, Talley lightweights.
Wow, I really like that DNZ unit, it's like the whole ballgame and ready to run.

I think that's the chicken dinner right there!
You may find you need extended bases depending on the scope you choose. I keep both standard and extended Weaver bases on hand for Savage and Remington/Howa because they're cheaper, lower profile, and look nicer than extended rings which are often too high. The good thing is the bases are cheap enough to just get both while you're in the store or when you order.
The Weaver design is simple, sturdy, and offers many options in mounting. It's my first choice of mounting system.
I now have the rifle in hand and I've ordered the DNZ mount for the short-action Howa. Went ahead and got the tallest of the three, and made for a 1-inch tube.

The rifle -- I'm liking it a lot. The trigger is very impressive for a budget rifle. It's not a particularly "light" pull but it's an amazingly short pull, entirely free of creep and with zero over-travel. I have a Timney Sportsman trigger in an old Mauser and I have a T/C Contender with a very nice trigger, so I've got a basis for my observation on this one.

I'm looking forward to the arrival of this DNZ mount and I'm glad I asked you guys here for assistance. :cool:
Oh, I should add... the stock leaves a LOT to be desired. Slipperier than snot on a doorknob and just about as attractive. :p But that's okay, I'll stick with it to start before I go after something else. We'll have to see "what she'll run" before I even consider goofing with extras.