FNC parted out on Gunbroker...


New member
I ran across something odd and unusual so I thought I'd post it here and see what others think about this. I see someone is parting out a semi-auto FNC on Gunbroker. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=556749991
(one of numerous auctions)

I sometimes see this on an expensive gun where something may have been "hinkey" about the receiver....example USAS-12 parts sets or Chinese AK parts sets. But, this does not seem to be the case here.

Now, this wouldn't be odd, except it appears that ALL of the parts are being auctioned. The seller appears to be trying to get about $5,000 by parting out a perfectly good FNC!! I know that FNC's are selling in the $3K range. But, it seems to me that by parting it out, you the guy is taking a heck of a risk that he could be sitting on FNC parts for years tying to eek out that extra $2k?

Oh, I know this concerns a semi-auto FNC, but the FNC is unique in that there are still registered sears and semi-auto hosts out there still looking to "hook-up", and Full-auto FNC owners need to cannibalize Semi-Auto FNC's for parts. Anyway, just looking for people's thoughts on this.
They're doing the same thing with other old valuable collectors' items. Where money is involved, greed has no boundaries.
That's a heck of a chance the guy is taking parting out a working FNC like that. Just wait a couple of years, then he probably would get 5K for it. Once one of the key parts sells, that's it - you are stuck parting out the rest of the gun until you have liquidated all of the parts. This could take months, years, forever! And, he still probably won't get that much more than a functioning semi-auto FNC in the end......unless I'm missing something?
I can understand parting out a demil - I was just shocked to see someone do this with what appears to be a fully functional FNC. I think it's the first time I've ever seen anything like this.