FN - P90

While unorthodox in appearance, operation is straightforward blowback and this lightweight weapon may be wielded with one or two hands. It's bottom ejection feature makes it ideal for left handed shooters.

With a 50 round capacity magazine, the FN P90 has very mild recoil and is extremely controllable when fired in the full auto mode. While the trigger wasn't remarkable, burst fire may be achieved without difficulty.
Its size and weight makes it ideal for both SWAT teams and AFV crews (try climbing out of a hatch with a rifle), it's a wee bit on the large size for discrete executive protection.

Switching to the bullets, it is my understanding that these high velocity bullets are capable of penetrating body armor.

A newly organized SWAT team would do well in adopting this weapon. Administrators who disdain at the menacing appearance of the shotgun or abhor the presence of a menacing carbine in the patrol vehicle may not look so unkindly upon the FN P90. Considering that patrol cars are getting smaller, why not have a smaller firearm?

By the way, fun to shoot.
The 5.7 x 28 bullet that was developed for the P-90 is capable of penetrating 48 layers of kevlar, FN is working on a pistol for the same bullet.

First time I saw a pic of the P-90 I was impressed, I just hope they offer a civialian version!
Great for rabbit hunting ;)


Mouse Assassins inc.
Here is a short, "not very" interesting story about the F90: About 3 months ago, I was visiting Stembridge Gun rentals in Glendale, CA. (Stembridge is the oldest gun prop house in Hollywood), and they related a story to me that they tried to get a FN P-90 for an upcoming "Arnold S." movie. The propmaster wanted Arnold to carry something unique. At that time, Stembridge, who has a FFL Class 10 license, couldn't get one into the country in time for the production...ATF was the holdup. They figured that if Arnold "really" wanted to use this gun in his next movie, he could have made a phone call to speed up the process of getting the gun into the country more quickly. At that time the only FNP90 in country was at GemTech who I think offered it to Stembridge if they wanted it. Anyways it came down to Arnold deciding to use a different firearm. BTW. Stembridge has some other very interesing stuff as well :-)

[This message has been edited by Rodmann (edited 11-20-98).]
I've only seen pictures of the FN-P90, but I'm intrigued as to how the magazine operates. I'm familiar with some wild magazines, including the helical Calico mags, but how does the stick-like P90 magazine work, does it just snake down and around 90 degrees at the end?
Stembridge has a number of mock-ups that look like FD P90. They made them up for some recent movie and I think they used M-11s as the base guns. A lot of times when you see a firearm in a movie...they are rubber versions that look identical to the real thing...at least from far away. They have rubber versions of pretty much everything that they have in stock.
If my fading memory serves me right, the P90 magazine is a convention stick magazine and it's the action which rotates the bullet into battery - somewhat like the ill fated HK-11 caseless rifle.

I didn't know there's only one P90 in country (and I actually shot it earlier this year). :)

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited 11-21-98).]
I like the ambidextrous design and the top mounted magazine, but the ergonomics of the pistol grip and foregrip leave something to be desired -- the angle is just too extreme. The integral laser designator seems to be a waste of time, and the weapon would be better served using that switch for an integral white light/IR system instead. Bottom ejection is handy for ambidexterity and not pelting your neighbor with brass, but you're throwing the brass right where your feet are, producing a hazard for either you or the guy behind you.
Introduction of a whole new (proprietary?) cartridge to the carbine class of weapons, seems a bit dicey to me. I can't believe that a conventional cartridge, readily available, could not have been designed into this weapon.
I had the opportunity to shoot the little rascal at the SWAT ROUNDUP in Orlando FL. week before last.

I agree with 4V50 Gary's posting but I really thought the trigger was more than an annoyance. For a larger framed shooter It is difficult to shoulder mount the weapon as it is so compact in it's Bull Pup configuration and a difficult cheek wield made sighting uncomfortable.

The magazine was interesting, by the way the rounds are mounted in a plane perpendicular to the bore axis. Rotation to breech alignment occurs at the circular magazine section just prior to bolt pick up.

Rich brings up a valid point, the (proprietary?) cartridge could be the nemesis of US acceptance.
I find with all the issues offered with this piece, the 5.7X28 round is most interesting - I hope it does well as it lends itself to a good LE round for inside 100 meter shots capable of defeating bad guy armor.

The 5.7 X 28 pistol shot very well and was quite controllable, similar to Tokarev chambered in 7.62mm