FN Hi-Power question


New member
Anyone know how many Argentine crest marked P-35s where sold to Argentina under the 1961 police contract? All that I have seen have had a 0 with 4 numbers and are under 6K. I think all that have been imported to the US where refinished at the FM plant before export? I used to see them at shows in fairly nasty shape for more bucks than they seemed to be worth years ago. Anyway I found a deal on one in nice shape that looks like a new gun untill you look real close and see it has been reblued. All numbers match including the mag which is also marked 01 under the SN. Did FN ship these with more than 1 mag? There are also no importers markings stamped on the gun so would cutting the slide for decent sights be a silly idea? Sorry about all the dumb questions but just not sure if its a hack and shoot or a oil and look gun.:)
Argentine HP

The pistol that you are describing is in fact an Argentine police or military contract gun from FN (You already knew that) With contract pistols, FN would put just about any serial # set that was requested by a particular buyer so it's tough to find out exactly where the series started or finished. Overall these Argentine contract pistols are great shooters but there are a number of them being released on the market right now. Don't let someone sell it to you under a "Collector Gun" price. They may have mild collector value to a rare few people, but those of us that love the HP primarily consider them shooters. Another surplus HP to look at are the AIM surplus guns from Israel. They are inexpensive and good shooters.(Usually ugly as sin until refinished though)
Semper Fi!
To find out more about HPs. see http://www.fnhipower.com