FN 49 chamber issues.


Hi Guys, new guy here. I have a beautiful Egyptian 49 looks to be reworked (by Century?) New stock and plastic butt plate etc. I have tried the 90s vintage Yugo ammo as well as the 55/56 stuff. The cases get stuck and pretty scratched up. The cases will not seat fully in the barrel/chamber. They come up about 2MM short. I have tried single shot and same thing happens. I do have some old egyptian ammo I have not tried. I have researched this a bit and apparently not uncommon especially in Century builds. Do I need to do a chamber cast?
Any input would be greatly appreciated. I will not shoot this again until the problem is sorted. Thanks.
Are you sure it is Egyptian? The 49 was made in four calibers, 8x57, 7x57, 7.65x54 and .30-'06. Your description sounds like an Argentine rifle in 7.65.

A chamber cast would tell for sure.

10-4 on the chamber cast. You can DIY by seaching forums.

I thought I would pass on Springfield Sporters has new 8mm barrels if you have a barrel problem.
You are the first I have ever heard of with a problem with the FN 49 Concur, they are well made and beautiful.
It has an Egyptian crest but no other arabic marks. I was digging through my ammo dump and found a box of S&B 8 x 57. I fit smoothly into the barrel so I went out and fired it on single fire. Stuck slightly. Not near as bad as the Yugo. Then I switched to semi auto and shot some old Egyptian ammo. It stuck a little but I had cycling problems. I took the gun to a local gunsmith to check out the chamber. In addition, I believe the recoil spring is the wrong one which is adding to the extraction problem. I love the weapon and look forward to finding a solution.
By the way, a brand new spare barrel came with it. Neither had a caliber mark anywhere on them but I am sure it is 8MM. The seller said it was and had fired it in the past with no problem(?)
I continue to have problems. It is definitely an 8mm. It fires the Yugo 55 ammo well. Won't cycle the 56 or the 90s Yugo stuff. I tried single fire with commercial ammo. Case sticks in chamber. I believe the Turk ammo is to hot for it (?) so I haven't tried it yet. It has been to the gunsmith who cleaned the chamber thoroughly. Said there was no problem. I replaced the gas sleeve adjuster but that is not the problem. It throws the shells up to 15 feet when using the Yugo 11-55 on strippers. Seems to be the only ammo it likes. Everything else gets stuck in the chamber. Single or semi-auto. It is very frustrating. I have 3 other rifles in 8MM, 12 total including 3 other semi-autos. I'm not an idiot but I am at my wits end with this. Oh and the front hand guard flies off with first shot. I love the gun when it shoots well.:confused:
I would say you probably have either an extractor issue, or a recoil spring issue... but that's just guessing on my part, without being able to see what's goign I just have to run through the mechanics in my brain.

if the gunsmith cleaned the chamber and it really is 8mm then those are the only things left I can imagine would cause it.
Take a really close look at the chamber; since these were used exclusively with corrosive ammo in Egyptian service, it's possible you could have some bad pitting in the chamber, preventing clean extraction.
With the gas escape port closed off those guns really eject! I saw one throw German steel cases so hard one case mouth stuck into the bark of a pine tree. Maybe they were designed for use by troops who were surrounded by the enemy.

BTW, there's a ton of 8mm replacement barrels out there. Just replace it if it's mucked up that badly. I have a feeling all those spares were made for a reason...
