FMK 9C1 gen 2 holster


New member
So I looked and looked in vane for a leather holster for this gun with no luck, I don't care for the new plastic type old fashion I guess. So I bought a leather holster for a Glock 19 wrapped the pistol in wax paper stuck it in the holster overnight and surprise it fits like it was made for it not wetting or molding required. If you have one of these pistols and need a holster try one for a Glock 19.
My neighbor purchased one. For $hit$ and giggles i brought out my holsters for my G19. Kydex will not fit I think the trigger guards are slightly different enough to be a bummer. My leather holsters fit like a glove (not OJ's glove) but a nice fit that did not pull the slide out of battery or hang up when drawing and re insterting. It did fit the cheap Glock factory holster but feels nasty and rubbery. You guys who have one know what im talking about. I do not dislike the Glock factory mag holders though..

His FMK was much harder to disassemble for some reason. Maybe becuase it was brand new but we both almost lost fingernails over it.