FM 9mm loads -115,124,NATO


New member
Had my Glock 19 at the range today with 3 loads from Freedom Munitions: 115gr RN, 124gr RN, 124grNATO FP. I had forgot I had the NATO load in my last order. Compared back to back and mixed in the same magazine, the difference between the 124RN and 124NATO rounds was noticeable- just a bit more kick from the NATO rounds. The difference between the 115 and 124 was less noticeable. On a mild/wild scale of 1-10 with 1 being .38 in a GP100 and 10 being .357 from a J frame, I'd put them at maybe 2,3, and 5 (if that).

That is all.

Point being that they are all fine range loads for a good price, even more so if you can wait for free shipping - which will probably happen next weekend for Memorial Day
9mm NATO

I prefer the NATO spec stuff if I'm shooting 9mm in a pistol match, just because it's loaded hotter. For regular practice I find whatever is cheap and reliable works good.