Flush Mounted Swivels--Millet


New member
I want to mount flush mounts for flush mounted swivels on several rifles in order to a Ching Sling. This mount would be forward of the receiver on both wooden and synthetic stocked rifles. How difficult is it to mount the Millet flush mount. Will it require special tools. Where exactly should it be mounted in relation to the receiver and/or the front swivel mount so the Ching Sling can be properly used? Thanks.
George, I'm interested in the same subject. Can you please check that link. I can find http://www.shootist.com/ , but I'm not having any luck on the URL you've listed. However, shootist.com doesn't seem to have anything listed on this subject, so I'm assuming that's not right either.

Just finished Col. Jeff Cooper's 'Art of the Rifle', and he seems quite sold on Ching Slings. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited March 12, 1999).]