Florida to North Carolina by car without CCL.


New member
|| Edited for clarification. ||

A family member will be driving from Florida to North Carolina and will take a pistol. I know that in Florida and Georgia the pistol can be kept in the glove box but I'm not sure about the Carolinas.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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does your relative have a florida CCW permit?

if your relative has a florida CCW permit, you can make the trip since both carolinas will recognize your permit as valid. As noted, your relative already can legally carry thru Georgia as long as he/she is a legal gun owner.

*If your relative doesn't own the vehicle I am unsure if they same vehicle/firearm laws apply in georgia.

**if the permit holder is from NC and has a CCWpermit from there, all the states mentioned are covered.

Firearm(s) unloaded, gun(s) and ammo stored either in the trunk or, if no trunk, in a locked case. (Either the gun(s) *OR* the ammo must be in a locked case to comply with the FOPA -- it doesn't require both, but I lock both just to be safe.)





Sec. 926A. Interstate transportation of firearms

Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or
regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person
who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting,
shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a
firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully
possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully
possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the
firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being
transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the
passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in
the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's
compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked
container other than the glove compartment or console.
FOPA only partially applies in this case, Aquila Blanca.

In part, because I'm assuming the relative will spend time in NC, in which case FOPA will cease to apply as soon as he's reached his destination.

But also because the state laws involved are much more permissive than FOPA would be.

As noted, FL allows glove compartment carry. Pretty sure the same is true for GA and SC. Not as sure about NC, but that's what http://handgunlaw.us/ is for.

Edit: Checked, and NC allows either carry in open sight in a vehicle, or else concealed but not readily accessible. There was some debate as to whether a locked glove compartment would pass muster, so long as the key was not in the lock.

I have both FL and GA permits, so I don't have to worry about NC vehicle carry; as an out-of-state permit holder, my FL permit is not good in SC, which is why I'm pretty sure about SC allowing glove compartment carry. I verify it each time I have to transit SC. Gun goes into the console vault at the state line, comes back out crossing on the other side.

But if the relative were to obtain a state resident FL CCW, he'd be good to go in FL, SC, and NC for this trip. In GA, he'd be ok with the gun in the vehicle, including on his person while within the vehicle; GA does have one oddball law, though - if the vehicle does not belong to the relative, then the relative would need a letter from the vehicle owner authorizing the weapon to be carried.
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PA to FL; 2007....

I drove my late mother's vehicle from PA to Florida in June of 2007.
I took my loaded(Ruger GPNY .38spl revolver with Remington 125gr JHPs) with me in a secured plastic case(Plano type).
The only LE issue I had was a DWI checkpoint in central VA.
The uniformed officers had no problems with me and the rest of the car trip was uneventful.
I too was concerned about SC's gun laws and put the firearm in my trunk when I drove through the state.
I had a valid Florida W(concealed) license at the time. ;)

Clyde F
ps; Atty David Wong also sells a detailed legal guide to US gun & knife laws. Wong covers all 50 states & Washington DC, US Virgin Islands, American Somoa, PR, etc. ;)
I am interested in Wong's mentioned books and the major 'gun guide' book that comes out every yr covering all 50 states. I don't buy them though since they change every yr. I would need to make a commitment and add them to the library constantly...I already have a new relationship w/the US Mint every yr - I'm too old to keep up w/these coins so I caved