Florida early results

Pat H

Giuliani's campaign is over. McCain has barely won, but takes all of the delegates since Florida is a winner take all state.

Romney, though a close second, gets no delegates.
More data, with 77% reporting. What's interesting is that Huckabee is pulling up on and may surpass Giuliani as the final votes are counted.
Here's to the end of Giuliani. Nice.

In stranger news, a friend in Atlanta just told me that if he wins, McCain will be the first Republican she's ever voted for. Of course, he's not a Republican, but I didn't point that out.
Of course, he's not a Republican, but I didn't point that out.
Maybe. Of course, who really knows what Romney is, other than a frickin' liar. As a resident of MA, I can tell you that Romney is no friend to gun owners.
The grapevine has it that Guiliani will endorse McCain, hoping for Attorney General or something equally powerful where he can ruin more lives.
The grapevine (or CNN, AP, and Foxnews...either way) definitely says Rudy will support McCain.

Do you have a source on a deal for AG, Pat, or is this just your conjecture?
Huckabee should be gone next, he's low on funds and the more exposure he gets, the worse his image.
Paul didn't boher with FL since it was a winner take all. He's in Maine and looking good for super Tuesday!
There were 11 now there's 4 !! Who's unelectable now!!

Here's an analysis of the Florida primary from the perspective of James Ostrowski, an attorney in Buffalo, New York.

January 29, 2008
There stands Ron Paul like a stone wall
Posted by James Ostrowski at January 29, 2008 09:55 PM

Wow! What a night.

Chaos and clarity battled tonight. Clarity won and I for one am very happy about it.

Now we get the one-on-one scenario I laid out a few weeks ago but which was delayed by Romney's victory in Michigan (won by his embrace of economic fascism).

Again, let me mimic Michael Corleone:

Romney's dead. Giuliani’s dead. Huckabee's dead.

Rudy will now drop out and endorse McCain. Les belligerents need to stick together. Huckabee will stay in to draw votes from Romney and hope to get VP. (Why anyone would want to be Vice President beats me.)

Romney’s attempt to buy the presidency with his personal wealth has failed. He outspent McCain ten to one in TV ads and got whipped anyway. His speech tonight looked like a funeral.

McCain was civil to all his opponents tonight except one: Ron Paul. That was the tip-off that this is now a two-man race. Ron Paul got 60,000 votes tonight in Florida even though there has been a media blackout of his campaign since three days before Iowa.

We are already being told that McCain is a lock; it's all over. That's the conventional wisdom and anything else is just wishful Paulian thinking. But, as with all my prognostications this year and last--including that Rudy had "zero chance" to win when he was leading the polls by 14%--my analysis is based on facts. Such as: John McCain has only eight percent of the delegates he needs. And: McCain is a deeply flawed candidate who remains unpopular with the Republican base.

In spite of taking a beating in the early primaries, the General ordered his troops to hold their fire and wait for the right time to strike back. The time is now! The time is now to drive the beltway elite all the way back to their homeland in Washington DC.

The troops are fresh. Morale remains high. There’s money in the bank and the orders are to fight on.

I do not know that a deal has been struck by McCain and Giuliani, but it's likely.
Ironic that the writer derides Romney for attempting to buy the nomination while bragging about Paul's "money in the bank."

Yes, Dr. Paul still has plenty of someone's tuition money, but I don't think any of you still expect him to have a chance at the nomination, do you?

Despite his terribly poor showing (why isn't the money helping him get votes...odd, huh?), I still see a lot of weird conspiracy stuff (media blackout? Paul gets more press than any single digit candidate ever).

This is kinda like Weekend at Bernie's.
Ironic that the writer derides Romney for attempting to buy the nomination while bragging about Paul's "money in the bank."

Yes, Dr. Paul still has plenty of someone's tuition money, but I don't think any of you still expect him to have a chance at the nomination, do you?

Despite his terribly poor showing (why isn't the money helping him get votes...odd, huh?), I still see a lot of weird conspiracy stuff (media blackout? Paul gets more press than any single digit candidate ever).

This is kinda like Weekend at Bernie's.

Huh? There's a huge difference between someone that brings their own cash to the table and someone that is generating cash through support.
This is through the looking glass stuff. Rudy is the big loser with 15% but Paul is the big winner with 3% (beating only the guys who already dropped out) while Huckabee is unelectable at 14%. Whaaaaaa.....oh never mind, I know a whacky, implausible, conspiracy dripping explanation is coming.
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Giuliani's campaign is over. McCain has barely won, but takes all of the delegates since Florida is a winner take all state.

So does that mean that Paul's campaign is over as well? I mean that close(to third) second place finish in Nevada was a boost, but realy.
Giuliani's campaign is over. McCain has barely won, but takes all of the delegates since Florida is a winner take all state.
So does that mean that Paul's campaign is over as well? I mean that close(to third) second place finish in Nevada was a boost, but realy.
It turns out that I was wrong about the delegate assignments. There were in fact NO delegates assigned last night.

Actual delegates will be meted out at the Florida caucus's over the next couple of months, beginning February 6th through April 30th.
Correct, but all 114 of Florida's delegates are "soft pledged" to McCain.

In other news, it looks like the media blackout/conspiracy against Tom Tancredo has also forced him out of the race. Right when he and Dr. Paul were vying for last place, too.

It's really unfortunate when the media focuses only on those with a chance to win the nomination.

Edwards is now also gone.

Bear in mind, that in a close race, the also ran's have an opportunity to influence things thru party platform planks, or other concessions.

Still a possibility that McCain won't have enough delegates to put him over the top. Opportunity for minor candidates to put in their .02 at the convention.

Not many dispute the fact that the general election will be close. A smart candidate will strive to make the tent more inclusive in the general election, to collect their supporters. It's fun to denigrate candidates you don't like in a forum, but the nominee would be unwise to do so.

Most of the candidates (save one) are quite willing to flip-flop if they think it will yield votes...and that one candidate has always been more interested in principles, rather than personal achievement of the office. So, we've identified a symbiotic relationship, that could perhaps prove of benefit for the country?
In other news, it looks like the media blackout/conspiracy against Tom Tancredo has also forced him out of the race. Right when he and Dr. Paul were vying for last place, too.

Heck, I thought that Tancredo dropped out months ago. So much for the supposed "media blackout/conspiracy" against Paul. I have heard plenty from him in the media and nothing of poor ole Tom.

Thanks for reminding me Thumper!