Florida Concealed weapons permits


I'm thinking about getting a concealed permit in Florida and buying my first handgun but I have 2 questions before I decide to.If you get a concealed permit does that mean You can carry only 1 handgun at a time(i.e. no backup weapen) and if so does it have to be one specific gun or can you change it to any gun that you legally own whenever the mood strikes you even on a daily basis.I'm ignorant about guns in general(the only gun I've ever owned is a Mossberg 12 pump riot gun which is a blast to fire,pun intended,)if you are only allowed to carry one specific gun then I would have pick a Smith&Wesson model 386(L frame) I think . Thank You in advance for any useful info.Damon
Florida CCW laws allow you to carry whatever 'weapon' you desire. So for example you can carry a pistol, a knife, brass knuckles or anything else. In contrast, I believe GA carry permits only allow you to carry a pistol.

Any carrying multiple weapons shouldn't be a problem.
With a CCW in Fl you can carry as many or as few weapons (except full auto) as you please. We of the Gunshine State try to gently encourage newbies to our freedoms carry whatever they feel comfortable with so long as they do not end up having to wear a giant trench coat ala "The Matrix" during summer or endanger themselves from drowning should they fall in the water while carrying their hardware.

The less toungue in cheek answer is: you can carry whatever you can conceal and welcome to the world of FL CCW. Hope to see you out at the range next time I make it back to Fl.
Security pillow

My six year old son and wife would disagree,they think my heart is too big already.All joking aside if and when I decide to go for the CWP are they any other classes (other then the required ones) that would help me be a better and safer handgun owner.Damon
try to gently encourage newbies to our freedoms carry whatever they feel comfortable with so long as they do not end up having to wear a giant trench coat

Not exactly. Here is the restriction: (from 790.06)

concealed weapons or concealed firearms are defined as a handgun, electronic weapon or device, tear gas gun, knife, or billie, but the term does not include a machine gun as defined in s. 790.001(9).

That means that carrying a concealed shotgun, SBR, or machine gun would still be a felony.
FL's permit states "concealed weapon or firearm license." While this allows you to carry weapons other than firearms, if you are using this license to carry in another state, that state's law applies. If the other state only allows concealed handguns, then you may not carry concealed knives, clubs, etc.

Example, a FL permit is honored in Pennsylvania. PA law only allows concealed handguns. If you plan to travel in PA, you may only carry a concealed handgun using the FL permit; you are not legally protected if you are using it to carry weapons other than handguns.

Bottom line, the law of the state that you are in, not the state that issued the permit, applies.