Fleece vest as cover garment


I typically wear a polo shirt with either jeans or shorts. I also wear a fleece vest occasionally.

Since I started wearing my vest again here as the weather gets colder, I've noticed that it makes an excellent concealment garment.

With the vest I usually carry IWB cross-draw at 9 o'clock, with the vest halfway open. (I carry a Republic Arms Patriot 45 most of the time). Since I am sitting most of the time, this is a lot more comfortable than 4 o'clock or 2 o'clock (or even my SmartCarry crotch holster). I find that cross draw works better for me than strong-side because it is easier to reach into the vest than it is to pull it up over the pistol.

Another bonus is that when I get in the car, I don't have to move the pistol around because it's already at 9 o'clock.

I find that the vests (I have four of them :) ) work very well for a number of reasons. First, they hide the pistol well. Even a "lumpy" pistol will disappear under the vest. Second, they don't stick to the pistol when you move around. I have this problem with untucked t-shirts. Third, they do not ride up over your waist. Properly sized, the elastic band at the bottom will not ride up above the belt, no matter how hard I try. Fourth, the vest is a very versatile garment. I can wear it just about anywhere, with varying levels of formallty. Finally, they are very inexpensive.

Does anyone else tried fleece vests for cover garments? Did it work? Any comments?

For a picture of what I'm talking about:
Fleece vest at REI
Well, you'd cause the president of REI to have a stroke - I say, great idea!

Seriously, I like the idea of using garments that I generally see worn by tree-hugging granola-eaters for CCW. It's the opposite of that whole "TACTICAL" phenomenon that sort of takes away from the effectiveness of the "concealed" in CCW.

I mean, how many times have we all spotted some crew-cutted grim muscle type wearing an enormous, bulging, black, cordura "fanny pack" (with a suspicious easy-open handle hanging out the back by the belt) over his cod (extra points if it says "DeSantis" or "Bianchi")? I mean, Gee, whatcha got there, Sarge? Your wallet?

Now, I don't own anything fleece (except for some ear warmers for jogging in the winter), but I think your idea would be pretty effective as a diversion and cover up. Consider getting a vest in "Salmon"!
Yes, I've tried it.
Yes, it works. Very well.
Yes, the Prez of REI would probably go spastic if he found out.

Stiffer vests are better. Avoid loose inside pockets, they like to catch on hammers, rear sights, and the like.

- Chris
Total agreement here. I was actually looking forward to the cooler weather so that it would make things so much easier. :)
I have one and it is indeed the best concealment garment I own. Unfortunately the fleece season in Oklahoma is also known as January.
Cabela's makes them in tall sizes, which helps in concealment, and you'd be sending your money to a company that is pro-gun.
200 weight fleece works like a charm for concealing.

I'd steer clear of 100 weight, but mileage varies.
Looks a heck of a lot less tactical than a photographers vest.

I see a photo vest or any sort of khaki vest and I think "gun" instantly. I see fleece and it almost never registers unless I am playing "guess who is carrying".

I'm sure I'm not the only one...

Those shirt-jackets work excellently (they're smooth on the inside too) and the fleece ones are good as well. Long enough to hide a 12-gauge practically yet light, you can flick it aside and draw.
Fleece vests work great. I wear them for cover at least 9 months of the year, if not 10, having the advantage of somewhat cooler weather.

If you want a variety of relatively low cost but good value vests, check out your local Fred Meyer store for their house brand. In the Fall, we also get a great selection at Costco.
I used them for what we consider "cold" weather here in sunny Florida....what everyone else would consider "cool". I've found a few of them at Walmart and Target fairly cheap. I also used them for jogging and they work great. They look more "outdoorsy" than "Tactical".When I travel I like them because you can layer your clothing with them and still get good concealment. I usually wear a shell jacket on top of a vest and when I go inside I can take the jacket off and still have my pistol concealed under the vest. They pack great too.