Flashlight--blunt trauma tool?


New member
Has anybody had experience with using a flashlight as a blunt trauma instrument? (Hit the aggressor)

What was the result? Did you get the expected results or were you surprised by the reaction?
It depends on:
1. What kind of flashlight you use
2. Where you hit them
3. How you hit them
1. Have a heavy and hard light (Mag-light, etc.)
2. Hit at major muscle mass (inner or outer thigh, top of forearm) or, hit on joints (elbow, knee, wrist) or, surface bones (back of hand, shin, etc.)
3. Hit hard and stick to the target when hitting muscle -- you will have sufficient penetration to incapacitate your target. You can snap at joints and bones.
... And with sufficient training and motivation, you should be successful.
A big Maglite should do the job nicely...I've never hit a human with it before, but the heft and swing of the thing feels very satisfying.
Anne Rule's book "Dead by Sunset" describes a murder committed with a Mag-Lite. They wrok at least as well as a billy club, and you don't get hassled for having one in your car.
A friend of mine used to be a bouncer. He had one. He used it one night. The guy pressed charges.

The cops arrested him.

So he pressed charges against the guy (he wouldn't have had to hit him if he hadn't been assaulting him...).

So they go arrest the guy, and print him.

And guess what? His prints showed up as matching those found on a murder scene in the neighborhood. He's in jail now...

My bouncer buddy got a "get outta jail free" card, got sprung, but never did get his flashlight back.
The head is not a target area? It's a perfect target area. If you hit them there, they may stop bothering you. Bearing in mind, of course, that I'm not a cop. I don't have to detain people and place them in cars--I just have to leave without getting hurt.
Just bear in mind that it can be construed as use of deadly force. Use where appropriate but with knowledge.

A very fine line between just stoppin somebody and killing them. Whether head thump or gut poke, either way easily fatal.

A 16 yr. old local genius picked a fight with a guy this summer and whacked the guy in the head with a maglight. Broke the guy's skull - the guy was airlifted off the Island to Boston. He survived. The victim's father read an impact statement in court this week and basically said that his son most likely will never be the same. So what happened to the afore-mentioned local genius? Well, the kid was already in juvenile jail (for SEVERAL other crimes). The judge added ONE YEAR on to his sentence. And my wife wonders if I REALLY need to carry a gun around all the time....:rolleyes: Good luck, society!
Flashlight-blunt trauma tool?

You can't hit anyone in the head with a flashlight unless deadly force is justified.