Flashbangs, flashbangs, everybody throw a flashbang...just don't hit the drapes.


Is it just me, or has this become the first option for a lot of police departments, rather than calling someone out with their hands up?

This, despite the fact that they have indeed started fires when they land near drapes...and in this case, they put them into an occupied apartment building?

Police raid nets stolen guns, drugs

New Hampshire Union Leader Staff
3 hours, 24 minutes ago

ROCHESTER – A couple is under arrest this morning after police recovered drugs and stolen guns in a raid of their home.

Thomas Kopp, 24, and Stephanie Driscoll, 23, both of 29C Lafayette St., are each charged with two counts of receiving stolen property -- a .44 Ruger rifle and a 30.06 Remington rifle -- and one offense of possession of controlled drugs.

Capt. Paul Callaghan said Kopp is charged with possessing cocaine, a felony, and Driscoll is charged with possessing marijuana, a misdemeanor.

Kopp is being held without bail in the Strafford County jail until his arraignment at 1 p.m. today in Rochester District Court. Driscoll is free on $7,500 personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned on Nov. 19.

Callaghan said the investigation is continuing and it is possible other charges will be brought and others arrested.

During yesterday's raid of the apartment, police and the Strafford County Regional Tactical Operations Unit t set off "flash bangs," diversionary devices that make a load noise. Police said they were used to lessen the risk to the community and to officers because of the presence of guns inside the apartment.