Flame Warriors !

It's just too painful to brand myself!
OK, well how 'bout either Ideologue(that's what my parents would say, anyway) or Jekyl and Hyde. But probably just Loopy! :)
That's a pretty cool link there Sprig. Haven't figured out where I fit in there yet though but I recognize a lot of them although not from here - TFL of course is above all of that type stuff , ahem....

[This message has been edited by scud (edited July 24, 2000).]
Well said, Scud bud!
Cindy, Looney can be okay! ;)

Offhand I'd refer to a deck of cards. The staff are the one-eyed Jacks and the Kings with the ax!


[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 24, 2000).]
Yep, Nannies with a large percentage of Diplomat and a touch of Archivist and Jekyl & Hyde. :) Alright maybe a little Ego thrown in also.
I understand that I am a pain to some but I see myself as L'Enfant Provocateur! As of this moment anyway!