Flame on

Doc, after due and careful consideration, I'm gonna have to give it a miss. With my temper, I'd last about 10 seconds before tearing into them. Besides, I've got enough stress without the added enjoyment of poking wolves with sticks.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Good call, Coinneach. I, out of morbid curiosity, did venture over. I won't even begin to describe some of what is posted there.
Flame on, indeed. I just tried getting on the discussion board, and it's been shut down because of all the flaming that I flaming must've missed. Sure has my curiosity piqued.
It is typical of any anti self defense board
that when some of us choose to retain our constitutionally guaranteed right of self defense,to keep & bear arms, and reasonably
argue ,against the anti gunners, and when the antis can not adaquatly defend their wish
to terminate our rights,that they close down the board ,so that they do not loose any more
face and say they are doing it for the childern.

Socialist elitest anti guns are,
quite simplily, liars and hiprocrats.
What else could we expect from them;
certainly NOT that they would EVER play fair.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
What kind of handgun are they showing?For some reason it looks very familiar...
P.S.Look at grip panel & slide.
here is what the board area says now:
Gun Control Discussion Board

It is with regret we had to remove the discussion board.  Apparently people were either unable or unwilling to conduct
themselves in a civilized manner.  We understand that many people used the board to post requests for information, but
many others took advantage of the board and posted offensive replies and profane messages.  We did no want to take the
roll of the babysitter and had left the board un-moderated.  The vast majority of the visitors to this site are children
looking for information for school reports and projects.  Grown adults came here to trade insults and profanities while
young children were here at the same time posting legitimate requests for information.  Our intention was for this board to
be a place where people with relevant information could provide it to those who made specific requests.  Apparently the
children understood this, but few grown adult were able to grasp that simple fact.  We will not allow profane messages to
be posted on a site frequented by children.  We currently do not have the resources to monitor the board continually so
our only option was to remove the board.   Hopefully we will at some time in the future have the resources to support a
fully moderated discussion forum.
"The vast majority of the visitors to this site are children looking for information for school reports and projects."

I wonder what kind of "reports and projects" about gun control our kids are doing in school.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
"The vast majority of the visitors to this site are children looking for information for school reports and projects."

Didn't even go to the site - figuring it for what it was. The above atatement was tripe for the unwashed masses. The statement actually reads: "we got inundated with persons who actually respect the constitution & had valid arguements which we could not counter, so we shut down the board until we could install a filter which would only allow our opinion to prevail."
I know that closing the message board for "the children" is a ridiculous excuse. But I just have to ask did people use profanity? Dont use expletives when arguing for your second amendment rights, it gives people an excuse for not listening, even if your viewpoint has merit (and most of the ones Ive read on this message board do). I know it can be aggravating to listen to these ingnorant antigunners, but when it comes time for you to tell your side and you're cussing and swearing it only enforces thier idea of the steroetypical gun owner. Im not trying to preach or tell anyone how to live thier lives but if you want to keep your rights please for the sake of everyone including the antis (because they have the right to own a gun as well)
try to present your case in a dignified and rational manner. If you say "you mfers why dont you go to hell" its not doing anything to convince anyone you have the right to own a gun, they'll just tune you out. Im sure some people will disagree but this is just my personal feeling.

oh there was lots of profanity
from both sides

for awhile there was 90% pro gun banter then a few low brow anti comments
then a flame fest

it was like the general board on Bowers site
but more nasty

the funniest thing was someone posed as Bob from American Spirt Arms and flamed stupid customers...

From the Gun Control Board Suggestion Page:

(QUOTE)"We are constantly trying to improve this site. We'd like to know what you think of it. Was the information provided useful?
Was there something you thought should have been included but wasn't? Just fill in the form to let us know.

Before you send anything READ THIS

We at guncontrol.com are not anti-guns. Actually, most of us own guns, and we like them very much. Our parents owned
guns, as did theirs before them. We support the right to bear arms. We also support responsible gun ownership and
reasonable attempts to keep guns out of the wrong hands. If gun owners don't make an effort to promote responsible
controls, others with less moderate views may prevail in having more extreme laws passed. Understand that guns will never
be completely banned or completely unregulated. That having been said, continue on and give us your suggestions." (END QUOTE)

Sigh... I guess the only philosophical comment I can make about such a mealy-mouthed, extortion-victim mentality is from an ancient saw: "The meek shall inherit the earth." It's a cold, damp, slimey place that has an abundance of hungry critters in it. Verily, I say unto you, so be it!
We at guncontrol.com are not anti-guns. Actually, most of us own guns, and we like them very much.

Hmmm... now where did I put them hip waders...

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Sheesh. For the children. Pull out the waders and grab yerself a shovel...

When they mean "children" are they referring to the general level of maturity of those espousing the anti-Constitutionalist standpoint?



"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges."
(The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
dz the computer hacker! ;) I saw all of this yesterday, they had it posted over at AR15.com. There were some hilarious posts, but someone did come in there ranting garbage, it was nasty. The board was flooded with posts last time I looked, but now it seems the unmoderated board has shut down. What a pity.

I also wonder what kids are doing projects on gun control. Maybe its the second grade class they took to Chicagos city hall to protest against guns! :)