Flambeau gun case ?


New member
How good are the flambeau rifle cases ? They advertise the foam as being rust preventative, does it work ? How long has anyone left a rifle in one ?
Hope this helps !!!

How good are the flambeau rifle cases ?
First off, the ones I've had/got, are very good and provide excellent protection. I don't know about the pre-treated foam but I routinely treat all my hard cases and no complaints so far. I do not store any firearms in them, only transport or short term storage. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
Had a rifle with blued barrel in one for 10 years or so. No fancy foam treatment. It's more about the ambient environment than the case as the case is not airtight - at least not mine. No rust. Did take it out and oil annually at least, never used solvents on mine
Thanks for the replies. I have left a rifle in mine for a couple days and all was well. Just curious if left in the Flambeau case for longer periods like maybe a week.

What do you treat your case with ?
Had no problems with my case. I dont leave my weapons in foam type cases, so I cant speak of it preventing rust or not.
Silicone spray, lightly !!

What do you treat your case with ?
I spray the foam "lightly" with Silicone spray lube. I got a good deal on a case of Gunk Silicone spray cans and that is when I am currently using. I routinely treat all my other cases with this. When I work on somebody else's guns, I treat their case as well. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!