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Big Shrek

New member
It ain't Ack-Ack I'm talkin about here...
it is a new drug, similar to bath salts in effect...
makes people crazier than ever before...
and seems to make 'em want to eat faces...
much like bath salts did a few years back.

About a week ago, a guy left a Mobile, AL bar where he was with friends,
showed up in a neighborhood and attacked a man seemingly at random...
a neighbor tried to intervene, and ended up slashed to death as well,
cops found the bad guy eating the 1st victim's face when they arrived.

(That's where I woulda lit him up...good thing I ain't a cop, eh? )

They took him into custody by force, said he was as strong as an ox.
(Again...why on earth would you try to take someone alive
who was eating another human's face?? )
Flakka is the suspected drug of insanity in this case...
why anyone would want to use a drug,
that might make you THAT crazy is beyond me...

Of course, it also begs the question, being Florida, why didn't the
attempted hero neighbor PICK UP A WEAPON?? Heck, even a rake??
I think if I saw someone attacking a neighbor with a bunch of knives
and other household implements of destruction, I'd grab some equalizers...
but more than likely pull my own EDC & solve it post-haste.
But it bears contemplation...
What would YOU do if you saw a neighbor getting attacked/eaten by another human??

Of course, the dirty rotten scoundel in me wants to yell,
You folks have been watching The Walking Dead, right?? ;)

And then, the even more rotten stinker behind the scoundrel thinks...
"It's the PAX!! They're REAVERS!!!"
(Serenity movie/Firefly series)
Which, strangely enough given the crap the Gov't is putting in our water,
ain't all that farfetched either...
Because that would actually explain why so very many people
are going completely batsquish crazy over the last few years...
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