Fla. Rapist Rapes Elderly Victim Again


New member
Italics are my comments.

Updated 6:42 PM ET November 4, 1999

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - A convicted rapist released from prison four months ago
broke into the home of a 75-year old woman he assaulted in 1992, said "I'm going to kill you for putting me in jail" and raped her again, police said on Thursday.

Louis Brooks, 40, served just over six years of a 15-year sentence for the sexual assault seven years ago. But he was freed in July because of good behavior and other reasons, prison officials said.

Brooks, who has served three separate stints in Florida's prison system over two decades, was being held at the Volusia County Jail without bond on charges of attempted murder, sexual battery and burglary.

He broke into the victim's home late Sunday, woke her and threatened her with a butcher knife, saying "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you for putting me in jail," a Daytona Beach Police report said.

After raping her on the dining room floor, the suspect demanded money, again threatened to kill her, and left the home with her wallet and car keys, police said.

The woman, injured in the attack, remained on the floor for 20 minutes before she went to a neighbor's for help. She told investigators the name of her attacker and identified him as the man who had raped her in 1992, police said.

Brooks was first jailed in 1979 on a charge of burglary of an occupied dwelling and was
released in 1982. In 1985 he began a 15-year term for sexual battery and making a threat with a deadly weapon and was released in 1991 after serving six years.

In 1993 he was convicted in the 1992 sexual assault and on other charges and was given several sentences to run concurrently, totaling 15 years. He was released on July 13 after earning nearly nine years "gain time" for good behavior and other jail credits.

It's not like he had a history of violence.

The 75-year-old woman was sent a letter notifying her that Brooks was being released,
Department of Corrections spokeswoman Frances Marine said.

She knew her attacker. Does that mean that a gun wouldn't have worked on him?

"No one can really say if any of this could have been prevented," she said "We really feel bad that it happened. I don't think there was any way we could have prevented it."

Um, try not letting the vicious bastard out of jail. Maybe that would help.

Gain time rules were enacted by the Florida legislature in the 1980s to help relieve chronic prison overcrowding. Lawmakers passed new laws in 1995 to force prisoners to serve at least 85 percent of their sentences.

Gotta make room for those nasty pot smokers and cocaine snorters.

"Had he committed his crime after 1995, he would have had to serve at least 85 percent of his sentence," Marine said.

So this time, after getting his 15 year sentence, he'll serve 12.75 years, unless the prisons get even more overcrowded with drug users.

[This message has been edited by Ipecac (edited November 05, 1999).]
I wonder if she can sue the idiots that let him out, or atleast get them fired for their incompetence? Some how, these people (the so called 'authorities') must be held accountable for their actions.

Proper punishment this time would be summary execution by rifle shots - one shot to each testicle followed (an hour or so later) to the head.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Brooks was first jailed in 1979 on a charge of burglary of an occupied dwelling...[/quote]

A co-worker and I were discussing this, and I'll be damned if Brooks' career wouldn't have ended in '79 had that "occupied dwelling" been mine.
Prison is NO solution for capitol crimes.PERIOD EXCLAMATION POINT! From a Biblical viewpoint, capitol crimes require capitol punishment. This is justice, NOT stiffer penalties for crimes involving firearms and such IMO.
IMHO We don't need:
1. More prisons.
2. More police.
3. Harsher sentences (ie. more time for capitol crime; or other such poetry.)
4. Enforcing laws already on the books.


1. Have public, (preferably televised during prime time), executions for rape, murder, kid knapping, child molestation, treason, etc.

2. Violent, not torturous, punishment. This is just a suggestion: Hanging from a common lamp post on court house square. Or maybe, high vel. rifle shot to the face at close range. (wonder if heads react like watermelons and 30-06?) Close up should be shown. None of this "Pat his hand while he falls off to sleep nonsense."

3. Completely remove ALL firearm laws whatsoever from local, state, and federal books.

4. Of course #1 & 2 should immediately follow a just, speedy trial and gospel hearing.

5. #3 Would allow the not guilty law abiding citizen to exercise his God given right to self defense with out fear of legal reprisal. It would also provide for effective individual/family defense instead of putting society in dependence upon govt protection, which rarely does just that.

I know that our society is too far removed from these ideals to fully reach them again. For what its worth though, I believe that the above points offer the best deterance to capital crimes and recidivism.

I do not say these things as one who is slamming any of the above opinions. I agree with everyones intents on seeing justice and the innocent protected. I speak as one who has spoken to prisoners in capacity of a minister and who has not changed his opinions to be softer based upon reformation, prison conversions, and such. I believe true conversions occur, yet this does not negate mankind's (govt in particular) responsibility to carry out justice and allow citizens full exercise of means of self protection.
"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 07, 1999).]
Perhaps, if they'd stop putting people in jail for "Thought Crimes" (read "Conspiracy To....") and for crimes of self annihilation (read "Posession of...."), they'd have had enough room to keep this scumbag in the full term.
I like the way you think. No repeat offenders with that kind of punishment. :)


It's not paranoia, they really are out to get me.