Fl ccw question on photo


New member
Hi, I am sending off my FL CCW permit package out tomorrow, but I have one question!!! It says photos must be glossy.

Are walmart passport photos "glossy"???? I did my passport photos 3 weeks ago and I don't think they are "glossy"? I would think "glossy" are those photos you get printed up and not on regular paper... Glossy reflects light etc..?

:mad: Thanks..
WalMart photos will be fine for Florida's requirements. They use the same machine that the guy who did mine has.
I think it says "glossy" to discourage someone from using their trusty Lexmark home printer to produce a copy that would be unusable.
I did mine with my home camera and glossy photo paper - they accepted it with no issues

remember to get certain areas notarized - the local sheriff will do it for $5 at most substations