Fixed my slippery P7M8.


New member
I went to Home Depot and bought 1ft of the no-skid tape (a.k.a. skateboard tape)for 97 cents. When I got home it took only 5-10 minutes to cut a small piece to fit on the backstrap of the P7. It is like a different gun now. The tape looks like it was made for the gun. It really feels good too. I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet because of the weather but I am certian that it won't slip around while shooting like before. Thanks for the advice here.
Stuff works great and looks good too. I've got quite a bit left over if someone needs a piece, let me know and I will mail some out, no charge. Regards, Clayton
Back in the old days, 15 years ago, a pistolsmith named Bruce Gray did the very same thing when building up P7M13s for IPSC competitition, since the steel alloy used in P7 frames was too hard to checker with a standard checkering file!
Sawbones, do you have the "skateboard tape"
on your P7's???
It sounds like a great idea, I too have noticed
a bit of shifting while shooting the P7.
Off to my hardware store today to buy some
non-skid tape...
Anyone else out there have this on their P7??
No, I've never felt the need to use skateboard tape on my P7s, since I can grip them just fine with the stock stippling on the backstrap, but I'd also be reluctant to use it simply on aesthetic grounds. (Seems kind of like putting neon plastic windshield wipers on a Rolls Royce to me, but then I'm not very utilitarian.)
i seen alot of different ideas as to what a gun needs as to "grip"

when i was shooting PPC, we used to trim down our grips, so we could "engulf" them, dip them in rubber cement and then into sand. they never slipped again, you just had to be sure you got the right initial grip.

i also remember the first semi-production cut-down smith m39, called the "ASP" (made by seventrees?) which was not only coated with teflon (another 1st), had completely smooth lexan grips (1st again) but also had the checkering removed from the backstrap. the throught was that if your "fight or flight" draw w/sweaty palms wasn't just right at first, the gun would seat itself under the recoil of the first shot. (they also had the 1st properly shaped finger rest on the base of their mags which allowed for the shorter pinky to curl around.

my psp feels like a good comparmise, but i have skateboard tape on my sig 220
I put some skateboard tape on my P7 and went
to the range today.
It did "seat" into my hand better and felt more
secure, I am used to shooting the USP's with the
sharp checkering and I like the feel of the P7
with the non-skid tape on the back.
There was no shifting of the P7 in my hand at
When I slowed down on the trigger a bit, every
shot went right where I aimed...
God this P7 is accurate and for me at least
the skateboard tape helped secure my grip.
I haven't had any trouble with my P7 with the grip shifting, but wait, I've been shooting with gloves on because of the biting issue. I don't want to part with the gun for refinishing, so I'm actually going to epoxy on the modifications.

I actually don't like the feel of skateboard tape. It's just doesn't feel right. I use the anti-slip tape designed for bathrooms. It fees less like sandpaper and more like the texturing of the grip on the P7 and USP. I've covered the checker front strap on my USP with this stuff and the back strap is covered with another piece that blends the side texturing.

My P7 is a little too acurate for shooting IDPA. I keep second guessing myself because I keep seeing one hole on the targets. Even though I know I put two rounds into the target.
scooter2, This may be a really dumb question
but how can a gun be to accurate for IDPA??
I may be in the minority but I personally
favor a gun that is too accurate!!!!
For both IPSC and IDPA, you can be punished for being too accurate. If you put two rounds into the same hole, and if no one has an overlay template, you can only be scored one hit and a miss.

You also start second guessing yourself while you are shooting. If you see one hole on a target, you generally want to punch another one, even if you knew that you shot it twice. You almost want to put two rounds into different parts of the A zone.
scooter2, LOL........
That makes a whole lot of sense, this afternoon
I went to the range and put a target up at about
30 feet or so and fired 2 shots.
I seriously could not tell if I missed the target
completely with the second shot or if they both
went through the same hole.
I took the target off the clips and after studying
it very close, 2 shots indeed went through the same
hole.(The range master even confirmed this)
I am still trying to get the hang of this little pistol,
I shot 10 shots at approx 30' and there was one big hole.
The only thing that bothers me is that the one big hole
was about 2" to the left!!!
It is not the pistol, it is me.....I have had other people
shoot it and although they don't have tight groups, they
shoot in the center of the target.
Maybe I am not used to the "squeeze cocker" yet and I
am "milking" or squeezing my whole hand when I shoot.
I have tried various grips, finger positions, stances
etc etc and I always shoot to the side.
Even when I shoot left handed the groups are to the right.
Can anyone help me with this..PLEASE.....
All the people I show my targets to just laugh and say
"just aim over a little bit, I wish I could group like that"
Maybe I have just shot my MK23 for too long and need more
time to get used to the P7.
Don't mean to rant so long but I know I can do better!!!
A good way to practice not jerking the trigger is to practice on DA triggers. Your USP would work for this purpose. Fire every shot DA, de-cock for each shot. What some people do when firing DA is to pause before it breaks. Don't. Just pull smoothly and all the way back. The shot should break unexpectedly. It's easy to master a SA trigger, but learning to deal with a long heavy DA is very hard.