Fixed Collapsible AR Stocks?


New member
I've changed my mind again. Now I want an AR-15.

I don't need or want a bayonet lug, flash hider, or grenade/flare launcher, so a postban rifle is perfect for me, especially if it's less expensive. :)

But I gotta have a collapsible shoulder stock! For me, it's purely aesthetic: They just look so damn cool! Being adjustable doesn't much matter to me, as long as it fits me. And dishing out $1500 for a preban, just so I can have a cosmetic accessory, is not worth it.

I remember reading awhile back about AR stocks that look like the collapsible kind, but are permanently fixed in one position, so they can be put onto postban guns.

And now, the Questions:
Do these things exist?
Can I put one on a postban AR?
How much do they cost?
Are they available fixed in different positions?
Can anyone point me to a manufacturer's/distributer's website?

Ideally, I suppose I would want one fixed in the fully collapsed position, with add-on butt/recoil pad extensions, in case I want to play around with the lentgh of pull, without springing for a preban.

Why would I want such a thing? Because I'm going to spend a lot more time fondling and admiring the gun than actually shooting it, so if it doesn't push my buttons aestheically, I'm not getting my emotional money's worth.

Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna shoot it!!! But bullets cost extra, and unlimited admiration comes free with the price of the gun. It's gotta push my buttons!


Try olympic Arms, I remember seeing a post-er with a non-collapsing, collapsing stock.

I think that it was actually less expensive then a normal full stock, must be a way to move non sellable merchandise.

Hope this helps,,



"Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense."
go to someone can give you an answer just as quick as you'll get it here. they even have factory reps what are willing to answer all you questions

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
I know that Hesse ( carries these fixed assemblies for about $65, while Bushmaster (among others) carries the slip on butt pads for another $15.

However, as far as I know, they only make these fully extended and fixed; length-wise they're about the same as the A2 buttstock when the recoil pad is fixed in place. It becomes a matter of preference and balance for me; I like it on the BM Shorty-AK, while I prefer the full stock for any longer barrel.

Just my two cents.

[This message has been edited by Serval (edited July 07, 1999).]
Thanks Serval, found it at Hesse Arms. Too bad about it being extended, though.

(taking a leap into the semi-absurd, here) Suppose I can't find one fixed in the collapsed position. What about a truly adjustable stock being altered (welded?) so as to be permanently fixed "short"? I really don't think I would go through all that trouble, over buying one "pre-fixed extended", but I'm curious. Legal question mark?

BTW- For all I know, the fully collapsed configuration may be way too short to be comfortable or practical. I've heard this, and tend to believe it when comparing the feel of rifles I've handled in gun stores to the feel of my Mossberg, which has a pretty good sized length of pull. The 'alteration' idea is pretty much an academic exercise.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 07, 1999).]

Regarding converting a folding stock to fixed, that's precisely what the Hesse stocks appear to be. They used copious amounts of adhesive inside the butt, and a fixed screw where the normal release would be for good measure. Other than those minor details, it was a folding stock assembly as far as I can tell. :)

If you want it shorter, you might consider a few different approaches; first off, ask the folks at Hesse if they can fix one for you on a shorter notch. I don't know how likely this is, but it might be worth a try.

If you wish to do it yourself, just watch and recheck the regulations concerning such. I don't know how BATF would view having a folding stock in your possession while working on it, but that might be something to consider. You'd also likely wish to make sure that the fixing is done permanently, and is not easily converted back to folding. All this is not official, but just how I would approach the matter.

Finally, you might want to see if you can find a pre-ban with collapsing stock just to try out for fit and usability at the different lengths. I personally would not consider having a fully collapsed stock to be comfortably for firing, but a notch short of full extension might be nice. It's a matter of preference of course, but before shelling out the cash, a trial run might be in order.

Hope this helps!
Hey, Boing. The post-ban CAR stocks from J&T Surplus

are very nice. They look just like the pre-ban, collapsible stocks. They cost $75 and you need a spanner's wrench to install them. Also, the CAR butt pads are an additional $10 and add about 3/4" or so.
Instead of a spring, they have a set-screw. It looks as though the stocks could be adjusted by loosening the set-screw but I haven't tried doing so.
$75 plus $10 for a butt pad and $5 to $30 for a spanner's wrench is a chunk of change to spend on one of these puppies. I purchased a post-ban CAR-15 weapons kit from J&T and it came with the package, although you have to specify it since the A2 stock is standard. Otherwise, you're looking at spending $100 for something you'll just be looking at. :)
But they look sooo cool...

someone posted a method on the ar15 list, where you could permanently fix a collapsible stock. It involved setting up a spring detent that permanently deployed once you slid out a shim.

But you might get some attention from the ATF...

its post ban legal but looks illegal...
as long as the stock cannot be collapsed it it a fixed stock.

You can install a regular 4 position stock... make sure your overall length is 26 inches and use some 2 ton epoxy and fix it to that length... now it no longer violates statute.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


boing - contact your local BATF Inspector, not a field agent, and put the question to the inspector.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

Thanks for all the input. I think I'll stick with a stock pre-fixed by a manufacturer. Less hassle, for one, and I think they (some) come with a letter from the ATF saying they are approved for post bans.

Or I'll just save up for an extra year or two and get a preban. :)


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 10, 1999).]
Ain't government grand? First they give us pistols with air in the magazines where another 3 rounds should go, and now, voila ... non-collapsing collapsible stocks!

No wonder we're a great country! Talk about American ingenuity! ;)