Fixed 10rd Sks mag


New member
I recently acquired an sks and it did not come with the original 10rd mag. previous owner made it tacto cool which I didn’t like that setup, I had to buy a wooden stock for it, now I been trying to find one 10rd original magazine but Im not paying $200.00 to $ 250.00 for the ones I have seen on gunbroker. Thats more than I paid for the gun.

If anyone knows where I can get one at a “fair price” please let me know

Yes , our milsurps 30 and 20 years later are worth some money now.

Thanks for the link, purchased immediately
One day a fella tried to sell me a junky SKS that he bought at an auction. It was missing the magazine and a couple other parts. Fortunately, I looked up the mags on my phone before I made an offer and made the same discovery that you did, SKS parts are ridiculously high. I declined to buy it.
$100 +/- on ebay currently. I remember when people used to put the goofy duckbill mags on them and throw the box mag in the trash.
those after market mags never seem to work well especially with the cheap tula ammo, or at least my yugo sks did. Now with the original magazine it fed everything.

Was surprised how accurate they are.
I actually bought this knowing it didn’t have the original mag, but I thought I bought an extra fixed mag years ago when I bought a yugo sks from “SOG” remember those guys. To my dismay.It wasnt in my mag chest

Its amazing the spare parts we collect thru the years collecting old milsurps
Tapco made a 20rd mag that was pretty good for non-factory-box-mag standards. The metal ones though... they're a mess.