Fitting Python grips?


New member
Months back I bought a 1970's vintage 6" nickel Python. It has the checkered walnut grips, and looks mighty fine. But the dealer who did the transfer for me mentioned that he had a set of new in the box factory checkered rosewood grips with the medallions. The problem was, he didn't know where they were.

Anyway, I'm going to call him again. But I'm wondering: how difficult is it to hand fit the grips to the gun? I don't want to screw up a $75 set of grips.

Thanks for any advice.

I replaced the original grips on my 1961 Python (don't like the factory stumps!). Had to do a minor amount of fitting, but there was some required. Since the grips I put on were Ebony it took a bit of time and effort to remove the little bit that didn't fit. Talking to some grip makers, apparently the older Pythons aren't real consistent in the grip part of the frame, at least three different makers indicated that fitting the new grips was a normal thing.
I've fitted a number Python/Trooper grips. Chances are they will fit pretty well as is. If they are loose, ( move around on the frame), a little 5 minute epoxie will fix that. If you need a closer fit, sandpaper on a small flat stick as a sanding block is all you need. Finish with polyurathane.