First Week of FOUP incredibly successful!!

Rob Pincus

New member
Guys, I just had my assistant come back from the FOUP mailbox....

26 envelopes. I know by the return addresses that some of them are supposed to contain multiple supporters. This is not counting the checks/forms I've collected personally. These were all mailed within the first week of the project.

Okay, I've opened the envelopes and compiled the info:

We have 30 names on the ad so far. These represent checks in hand and forms in house (except for our CPA, who has deposited his check into our new account).

We have over $2000 in contributions.

We have two contributors who donated less than $50, but wanted to help out. (special thanks)

We have several donations over the required $50 (extra special thanks)

We have contributions from 17 states.

That is all GOOD news, but here are two even more exciting facts:

The latest date on any of the forms has been 3/19 !! Those numbers represent the first 3 days of the project!

MANY of the people who initially pledged support have yet to get their forms in!

Keep up the good work.. Thanks!

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 23, 1999).]
Hopefully one of those envelopes contains my contribution so that I will be one of the first 50..... :)

I would have mailed mine in before Thursday nite but that damn stamp dispensing machine in the post office near my apartment, as usual, would not take any form of currency what so ever despite appearing functional. It's no wonder the post office is the focal point of aggressive behavior.

- Ron V.

Gary, I returned your email.

I explained that all you have to do is click on the "Support Form" link.

That form needs to be filled out by all supporters and includes the mailing address for the project.

BTW- everyone, I ddin't mean to cause some of you to have to explain themselves.. I thought it was A GOOD sign that it wasn't just all the "known supporters" who were sending in forms.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 23, 1999).]
Rob, Do you mean "Round up the known supporters?" Shades of CASABLANCA. :D Any hoo my money should be there by now or in the next day or so.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I hope everyone is keeping the email, faxes, and grapevine humming with news of FOUP. I went to Kinko's today and ran off 500 copies of the support form and took them to gun stores. The reaction has been great so far.
I had several people tell me they'd sign on and they also volunteered to make copies of the support form to pass to other stores, ranges, individuals, etc.

If you use a handle on forums and lists you post to-please sign with your real name. It will be taken more seriously. After all, if your real name is to be on a full page ad in USA Today-so what if it is online?

Byron Quick (aka Spartacus)
Good news- I went to a local gun show today with about fifty copies of the supporter form. Once I started talking to people, the forms went like hot cakes! It wasn't long until all I could give out was the web address.
I also finally got a chance to go by the biggest and most popular gunshop in Memphis today. The manager was more than happy to post a copy of the supporter form and the web address in a prominent location for all to see.
Damn, it feels good to be doing something positive! :)
Good job, Grayfox. It does get a good reception, doesn't it? I showed it to an anti-gun physician I work with. He doesn't agree by any means but is interested in what happens.
Rob, How are things going now? Keep us posted. BTW, I bought a supply of address labels and printed the FOUP "logo" and web address on them. They go on all my mail. Even the stuff I send back to AARP telling them to stick it in their ear. :) :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited March 28, 1999).]
Hey guys, sorry I've been out of touch. I've been in Oklahoma and Ohio, currently in Northern Florida.. time and access has been hard to come by. I'll be back in TN soon, I;ll update the tally when I check the mail. I'm sure that there wil be a stack.

I got a great response from a group of hunters in Ohio, I have no doubt that a flood of support will flow from that region.

On the down side, I noticed this moring that Web Site traffic has been down significatnly over the last few days... Please keep the pressure on.

Byron/Spartacus makes a great point about using your name online. If you are asking people to make a statment, it looks better to use YOUR name than to use "NOSPAMgunguy2000@hotmail" as the point of contact!
