First USPSA Match Sunday


New member
I am shooting in my first USPSA match on sunday. What do I need to bring with me magazine wise? I will be shooting my smith and wesson 1911, I only have 2 magazines. Am I going to need more and am I going to need a belt pouch for my extra? What else should I bring and what should I expect?

If you are shooting in Single Stack division, you will need at least four mags, and six is better. I have one in the gun, four on my belt, and another in my hip pocket that is used for topping-off the gun, but which I restoke in case it may be needed. I do the same for Limited 10. You will want pouches for all of your mags. You can't do consistent reloads from a pocket.
Besides yourself, your gun/gear and ammo, there are a number of things to take to the match, that run the gamut from important to near-inconsequential. Bring money for the match fee. Bring a bottle of water, a hat to protect your head, gloves if it's going to be cold. You might want a notebook, for keeping track of things that you want to practice, or look up in the rule book. If lunch isn't available at the range, take a snack of some kind. I also have a pen, a cleaning rod, bushing wrench, a small collection of spare parts, a calculator, baby wipes, spare ear plugs, spare safety glasses, band-aids, rule book . . . that's all I can think of, off the top of my head. :)
Two mags is definatly not enough. 1911 mags are not very expesive, I would have six anyways. A stage could have a 30+ round count, plus you want to reload on the fly (not at slidelock).
You don't want cheap mags. Reliability is perhaps second only to accuracy in importance, and maybe it's more important. You shoot a couple of charlies and your score drops a little bit. Spend ten seconds clearing a malfunction, and you'll drop to the bottom. I have a couple of Chip McCormick Shooting Star 8-rounders that have given excellent service, and you should be able to find them in the $15-$20 range. The best mags on the market are made by Checkmate Industries, and they have a wide range of models, including fixed-base models priced competitively with the Chips. For inexpensive pouches, check Uncle Mike's or Fobus. I bought a nylon 4-mag pouch on ebay for $15-$20, and it's functional, if not stylish.
The Chip McCormick mags work the best in my 1911, I have had trouble with the more expensive ones. Midway just had them on sale a week or so ago, maybe they still are. If you have to stick a couple in your pocket its not a big deal, have them sicking out and practice mag changes at home first.
I am going to pick up a couple of CMC shooting star mags I guess. Anyone have any suggestions for a cheap mag pouch?>
Just grab the cheapest thing that WILL STAY ON YOUR BELT WHEN YOU YANK A MAG OUT. Trust me on this, you do not want the mag carrier coming off with the mag.

USPSA can have a MINIMUM round count of 32 per stage. Not an issue for the boys and girls with space guns and 20 rnd open mags. For you, me and the other single stackers, well we're going to be busy changing mags on the move.

32 rounds is the MAXIMUM round count for a legal USPSA stage.
Though you will find that on occasion, a club level match will have a stage that exceeds 32 rounds.

Borrowing stuff....

If buying super-cheap, buy great mags, but buy them cheap Safariland metal-clip thingies (about $6 at

Super-cheap, conceal well, secure, and super-cheap.

Usxed gear is also readily available, and cheap.