first tropy hunt


New member
Im leaving in the morning for my first"out of state" trophy hunt. Heading out to Wyoming for a three day mule deer hunt. What makes it all the better is that Im taking my home grown rifle , a 280 Remington 98 mauser . I cant wait!...........LOUD
Well ,I got home about three am this morning from Wyoming. Wow what a ride over 4000 miles round trip .Me and my hunting partner arrived on Sunday after noon .Our outfitter suggested that if we arrived soon enough we would go out and see what we could find.We left the little town of Kaycee Wyoming to a huge tract of land just south of town. The wind was blowing steady as we rode the ATV in to the hunting area. It was no time before we had our sights on some beautiful mule deer bucks, I had one in my range and was just about to fire when our guide said he's only a young deer hold up and we'll do better tomorrow. I was reluctant at first but pushed the safety back on.On the ride back to the motel I was thinking what just happened .We agreed to meet before daylight the next morning, Just as planned he arrived and took us out to another piece of land just out of town.As the sun came up we saw à large group of mature bucks came out of a redrock canyon.From my position behind a large cottonwood log I singled out a nice 4x5 and fired , he was 315 yards away . When my 280 Rem Mauser barked ,he fell dead opon the spot.Within five minutes my partner had one in his sights, with the same result. In a total of thirty minutes beginning to end our hunt was over . Our guide was right , our bucks were bigger and better than what we had seen a day earlier.Our guide really knew his stuff, we both got our trophy and mine was taken with the Mauser that I put together myself. I have asked many questions from you folk in its assembly .It just couldn't have happened any better,a nice buck taken with a rifle you made yourself!


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Good for you. For being the first time >you took a nice one. "See. Words of wisdom from your guide paid off."_ Besides seeing some beautiful country side to and fro. Now you have to get those antlers up on a wall. Congrats are do LOUD. Yesiree.
Yes Dr I do handload. Shot him with a 280 Remington loaded with 140 gr Nosler partitions over 55 gr H 4831 sc . He was at 315 yards by the rangefinder . He went down just as if you unplugged him!...................LOUD