First Time Trying To Shoot LeftHanded


New member
Since I can't see out of my right eye anymore, I stopped shooting rifle about
three years ago. After lots of nagging from my wonderful wife I finally agreed
to try it left handed. Today we went to the range and shot 5 shots LeftHanded .
I am not going to give up on it, I will keep at it. The blast from the flintlock's
vent wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I could feel the warm glow from
the heat tho. Really you don't notice it much if you keep both eyes shut! Ha!
This was at 50 yards.


I remember when I was doing cowboy action shooting that occasionally the stage scenario called for the shooter to shoot a target "weak handed". It does feel totally awkward, especially with a rifle.
Although i am right handed i 'was' so left eye dominent that i changed to left handed 10 or so years ago. It took some concentration but wasnt so bad. You will get used to it quickly enough. I didnt start shooting black powder until last year. But i didn't find the flash too disturbing. But i shoot cap and ball. Not flint lock i could see where that would take additional concentration.

Now I am going back to right handed after a stroke took the vision in my in the lower half of my left eye this summer. Right eye is nowhere near as good as the left used to be. Sucks getting old. But it beats the alternative.
Wear safety glasses (like you did in the picture) and concentrate on the front sight. I'm left handed, shot right handed flintlocks and never noticed the flash.
When I'm sitting and a deer comes up on my right [right handed, right eyed] there's less movement if I shoot left handed, left eyed. Close the right eye. Focus on the front sight , get your deer !
Hmm...never tried the smoke pole south paw. I do shoot recreational trap left handed regularly, when my right shoulder gets tired. :)