First time shooting my BP pistol!


New member
Granted the vid is only 10 seconds long but you get the idea:

It was ton of fun, it makes you really appreciate the modern cartridge!
I didn't have a chance to put on paper, to find out how it groups (will do it next time)

I had some bottles set up about 100 yards down range and to my surprise even though I didn't hit them, I was coming really close!
(of course I was using a rest - couldn't hit spit off-hand :eek:)

BTW - I thought loading it would be a pain but after a few times, it was fairly smooth and (almost) easy.
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Good for you! You're hooked now as most of us are.
It's the smoke you know. Highly addictive.
I hunted a bit with my '58 Remington Pietta and took a raccon & squirrel.
I was surprised that the .45 ball did so little meat damage & was glad for that as I think squirrel great table fair.
Ranges were, of course, close, but with practice the ol' cap'n ball can be very effective. A r.b. at over 800 f.p.s. puts game on the table.
I knew of a fellow that lived in the hills of WVa. and hutning deer from a tree stand.
He took several small deer with his .44 cap'n ball revovlers at ranges under 25 yards.
Not something I'd recommened but evidently doable.
After watching the video, my only comment would be you may wish to shoot this thing single-handed. Your thumb up near that cap may get singed a bit. :)

I gave up on black powder years ago,,,

I gave up on black powder years ago,,,
Then I sold all of my revolvers a while back.

The revolvers just took forever to clean,,,
And they were messy as all heck.

But if I were ever going to do it again,,,
It would be a front-stuffer single-shot like yours.

There should be a name for that phenomenon you experienced,,,
I seem to miss tin cans at 25 yards by 3-4-5 inches,,,
When I put the tin cans out to 100 yards distance,,,
It looks like I'm missing by the same amount.

Have fun with your new toy.


Aaron, that's exactly what I done also. I sold all my revolvers and now I have one inline, three front stuffer rifles and one front stuffer pistol. They are a hoot and enjoy them immensely.

from an old Fremont kid...

you have a nice piece there...
Didn't know the libs still allowed shooting in the bay area.
Where'd you have to go, LODI?! :D
Dennis - video looks like you are enjoying it! Beware though . . . BP handguns just seem to multiply like rabbits! :)

What is the pistol that you have?
There are numerous tricks and tips to cleaning BP revolvers that greatly speeds the process.

OP, cool pistol! Can you tell us what model it is? Is it based on a historic model? Thanks! :D
For future reference, might I suggest that your non-dominant hand be placed against the dominant hand? If you were ever to try a flintlock, your non-dominant hand might get a shower of sparks.