First time hunting


So me and my dad have started getting into skeet shooting etc..... and we want to start quail and dove hunting. I have a question. We have a cocker spaniel. From what I have read, they use to be used for huting birds. Can they still be tained for that? I have lots of other questions but no time to ask right now lol.

Thanks Guys.
In short, yes Cocker Spaniels can still be trainned to hunt birds...

As a breed they suffer as many hunting dogs do now and have lost a lot of instict. Too many puppy mills and pet shops types who don't care about the nose and hunting instinct. But if you look around carefully I'm sure there are still some hunters breeding Cockers to do what they were meant to.

Your dog may or may not have enough hunting instinct left to be a good dog. Only good trainning and patience will tell.

The name of the breed comes as a shortening of "Woodcocker Spaniel." These dogs were originally bred specifically to be able to flush and retrieve the small woodcock from very heavy cover.

That said, I agree with the general idea of the previous posters, that many Cockers nowadays have the hunt bred out of them, and that you should try training the pooch extensively before trying to hunt over it. It's too late now to start for this hunting season. Mebbe the dog will work, next year, mebbe...

OTOH, my second hunting mentor (100 yrs ago, when I was a highschooler,) had a cocker he used for retrieving ducks, of all things. Well, it was the dog he had, and he was a duck hunter, and Mopper proved up to the job, so she went.

So, it CAN work. Good luck.
Bull Honkey to toney who wants to walk in the heat to pick up birds when you have a dog that can do it but you must not shoot like I do and I can totally understand that not every body has that talent but what about when the birds lite to feed you can go and flush them up and your also the one who does not see any deer
Er, I dont' use a dog for doves either. Guess I don't mind a little walkies and don't live in a place so close to that nether border... :p