First time going to a range....


New member
I wanted to go to the range today, but I had a couple questions before I go. I have fired serveral differant rifles and shotguns before (gone hunting), but I have yet to fire a handgun. I wanted to go to the range and rent a handgun that I plan on purchasing to test it out and see how I like the feel of it. I plan on renting either the S&W sigma 9mm or the Springfield XD 9. Any suggestions before I go out to the range? Your input is greatly appreciated.
Both are good guns, but I expect you will enjoy the XD9 more. Remember the four rules, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Also, don't let the shop owner sell you on anything you don't want to buy.

Rule One:
All guns are always loaded. Even if you "know" it's empty, treat it as though it were loaded.

Rule Two:
Never let the muzzle cover (point at) anything you are not willing to destroy.

Rule Three:
Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target.

Rule Four:
Be sure of your target. (Know what it is, what is in line with it, and what is behind it. Never shoot anything you have not positively identified.)
ye that one is ASC and they dont rent. the only one that rents in town in top gun on richmond and fondren. its like $10 to rent. I was gonna go there but they said that I need someone with experience before they let you rent a firearm.

we went there, but found out you had to be 21 to rent. so some of us couldnt shoot there.. a lot of loopholes

you could shoot if you have a parent's note though and bring your own handgun

its 13.50/hr plus about $8 for ammo and $10 for the rental

there's a gunshow coming up at pasadena june 18th, 19th.. we're planning to go to that one to get our "straps"
lol,.... so they let you rent them even when you have no experience? damn,...then lets just go and have one of the range officers help us out.