First time ever in Estonia!

Pond James Pond

New member
Not noteworthy on the other side of the pond, I suspect, but for me it was a memorable day!

Yesterday, I found my first ever supply of 10mm Auto.

These were Fiocchi 180gr.

Realistically, I can't justify chopping in my 9mm for a 10.

Neither in practical, nor financial terms. Yet that chambering has always captured my imagination, along with the .44 Spl.

Don't know why but I like them.

Anyhoo, it's all academic as I have still not seen a single 10mm pistol on sale, so at the moment all I could do with 10mm cartridges is through them at my target...
I would love to go to Estonia, or your own fine and beautiful country, so yes of course it is noteworthy, glad you had a good time. Funny I just got done posting in a thread about 10mm, and I thought 10mm was a US only thing...never been proven wrong faster in my life. :D
I would love to go to Estonia, or your own fine and beautiful country, so yes of course it is noteworthy, glad you had a good time. Funny I just got done posting in a thread about 10mm, and I thought 10mm was a US only thing...never been proven wrong faster in my life.

Well, if you ever find the opportunity to visit presents itself, drop me a PM.

I could show around the country: wouldn't need more than 15-20 mins (it's a small country!) :D

In all seriousness, a handy thing for those visiting Europe is that you could land in Madrid and drive all the way to Tallinn with no hinderance. So if a European road-trip sounds like fun, I say do it!!

As for the 10mm, the most I'd seen before was reloading components for 10mm, but no factory rounds. At least not locally.

I do like the 10mm, despite never having fired it.

If the laws on semi-auto condition 3 carry weren't an issue here, I'd even consider (only consider, mind) replacing my Redhawk and snub with a single 10mm semi.

Alas, its not the case, and replacing my SP-01 with one would make little sense: ammo would be twice the cost and soooo hard to come by... 9mm makes a lot more sense.