First time casting


New member
Here are my first casts out a 2 boolit Lee 125 mold. I am guessing this first 2 are caused by a cold mold?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1422934592.089920.jpg because the longer I went on the better they looked like these ImageUploadedByTapatalk1422934621.791791.jpg
Thanks. Got a line on lead to make these .03 cents each after shipping, just wish I could find a line on free lead out here in Vegas now.
I`ve found lee molds will leach cutting oil for 3-4 castings then settle down a lot .

Look for a cheap single hot plate to preheat ya mold to `bout 300f & throw good shooters from the get go !

1 way to preheat a 2 holer is to dip the corner(closed mold) in the melt & when the alloy doesn't stik anymore go to it.

If ya don`t got a thermometer get 1 ,aluminum molds like it hot , but too hot ain`t good for em.

I`m not cheap but I am frugal & like to make tools last . If ya don`t got a good lube such as Bull Shops Bull plate sprue plate lube get some , until then get a good grade of synthetic 2 cycle oil . Some say the Bull Plate is the same but it`s not the Bull plate is better !

Now when ya lube the mold use lube very sparingly, I shake the container & wipe the cap out with a q-tip & even then go at it lite handedly at the pins sprue plate screw, litely on the plate & body of the mold .

Using this method I have 2 holers close to 10k & still very serviceable.

You`re off to a good start, wish my first session ended with shooters!!

Addition: Some say it`s a band aid of sorts but I do it , smoke the cavitys slightly with a butane liter , lay down a slightly visible layer, in my opinion it helps the alloy to "slip" on the aluminum surface & aid in fill out

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Cold mold and new molds have small pores in them that machining oil get trapped in. Casting bullets will burn that oil off and you get better bullets after it's gone.

And I have used both Bullplate sprue plate lube and synthetic 2 cycle oil. They both work the same. I couldn't tell the difference.
Vance , I have 5 bottles of synthetic 2 cycle oil (different brands) & if I run 40# of alloy I have to reapply `bout every 200 drops, with Bull Plate it`ll last till I have to take a break.

There are variables the 2 I can think of rite now is casting speed & temp & the 2 cycle could last as long under the rite circumstances.

I have 100s invested in molds & I wanna use the best lube there is to maintain/extend their useable life.

Happy Casting!!!
That looks like the 452-255....

Yep you have things going your way. Like mentioned though, expect that mold to leach out some more cutting fluid before long. I have had some of the 6C versions that throw keepers from the start one time then nothing but junk the next time. I just got into the habit of scrubbing them down before casting just like they were new. After a half dozen or so sessions, they work like a charm.

One other tip, if you can set it down on a flat piece of wood or similar when you close it. That will help to keep the halves in line and not wear so much on those alignment pins.