First time bear hunting


New member
Going bear hunting next week for the first time, also going to camp in the woods. I've deer hunted for 11 years, are bear similar? I know there's a greater danger, but that's it. The fact they can run up to 40 mph kinda scares me. I'm bringing a New England single shot 45-70 and my 10 inch (I think) Case hunting knife.
Black bear are not a big deal to hunt as long as you don't try to corner them. Your 45-70 is absolutely fine.
Happy hunting
Bear hunting is about as dangerous as deer hunting. You are more likely to be injured by yourself or someone else than a bear. For that matter the drive there is far more likely to have an incident involving cars than while hunting. Black bear are as easy to kill as deer. Have fun.
i am not ashamed i got the shivers when bear hunting, i think it is genetic in our nature

tracking a wounded one gave me headache afterwards was so concentrated
I've killed 5 black bears on 7 hunts (all in Maine).

I agree with most of the sentiments here. MOST.

Your 45-70 is fine. Black bears don't require a magic bullet, or much more than the average whitetail.

That said: Black bears can range upwards of 500 pounds and, while not common, those bears take a bit more abuse then the average 150 or 175 pound bear. Yes, more people have been killed by deer than bears, BUT bears are more than equipped to take you on when wounded.

One of my best friends, a Maine guide, explained the difference between bear and deer to me 20 years ago on my first hunt. His deliniation between bear and deer hunting is that while deer are smart, that bears are "thinking animals". I believe this to be true, having tracked a few wounded ones (others, not mine, thankfully), and observed many others close-up.

I think going into a bear hunt with a degree or two more respect than you might impart to a whitetail deer is a wise option.

There IS something very primal about being close to a bear. In that way, it is most unlike deer hunting. You're hunting a hunter.

Enjoy your hunt!
No one got a bear. There was 5 of us. A sow with a cub was spotted running though. We all had a blast. We camped in the woods for 2 tonights.
I've never gone bear hunting. Someone told me that you should always go with someone that runs slower than you do. :D

Someone else commented on what caliber of handgun to use.....
What is the smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself in bear country?

My personal favorite defense gun has always been a Beretta Jetfire in 22 short. I have carried it for many years including while hiking. I never leave without it in my pocket. Of course the first rule when hiking in the wilderness is to use the "Buddy System". This means you NEVER hike alone, you bring a friend, companion or even an in-law because if something happens there is someone to go get help.

I remember one time while hiking with my brother-in-law in northern Canada. Out of nowhere came this huge charging brown bear and was she mad. She must have had cubs. If I had not had my little Jetfire I would not be here today. Just one shot to my brother-in-law's knee cap and I was able to escape by just walking at a brisk pace.

It's one of the best pistols in my collection...

I think they were pulling my leg :eek:
I didn't bring a handgun, just my rifle. Next time I'd like to bring a revolver with snake shot, possibly a .410 revolver. Rattlesnakes and copperheads are well known out there.