First suppressor purchase

Coach Z

New member
I've started down the rabbit hole! Just purchased a silencerco sparrow. How long is the average turnaround for the form three and getting it transferred from the distributor to my lgs?
It varies by state but here in SC the transfer to dealer is averaging 6 to 8 Weeks and then 6 months for the form 4 to you.

I am in the same boat. I bought an uzi out of state last week and patiently waiting for it to get to my local dealer so I can get the ball rolling.

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There was a story being floated around a few weeks ago about the Form3 office or wherever tripling the amout of people processing forms... something like 12 new asst.processors and 6 new full-time processors.

I heard on another forum from an "inside source" that the goal from the office was a 1month turnaround by the holidays. I guess the word has gotten out that there are thousands of people out there who would gladly buy Class3 stuff if it wasn't such a freaking administrative disaster.

Shoot, if they'd drop the tax stamp down to a reasonable price, I'd have a suppressor for every gun I own.
Well, I did not want to give false hope to anyone but my dealer told me he's had a few recently come through in 2 weeks.... and a few in the past take 8 months. On average though, 6-8 weeks seems to be the number I keep seeing. After that, 6 months seems to be the pretty average turnaround for the stamp.

I have also heard those rumors that more examiners were being hired. I hope that it's true.
I live in another state, so I don't have the same examiner you do, BUT: my new silencer came from another state, and the form 3 was sent out April 10th, it was approved in about 7 weeks and the can arrived at my dealer here in TX last Monday, June 4.
Boy am I MAD!!!

So I emailed Bud's on 7/20 to check on the status of my transfer because it had been a while and was told that transfers were taking a while but they would check on it.

I emailed them again this week (8/22) and got a response the following day that it had shipped to my dealer on 7/18!!!! AHHHHHHHHH Not only did buds not tell me it was shipped but my dealer never told me it arrived and it's been sitting on a shelf for a MONTH. I'm just beside myself.:mad:

Will keep this thread updated
Who could have guessed that buying from the cheapest source on the internet and going through the cheapest local transfer dealer, would not be the best way to get top level customer service.
Well david while I appreciate your insightful comments, Bud's was one of the only places that had that suppressor in stock and my local class 3 shop is one of the most expensive and came highly recommended.

A little research before posting truly unhelpful garbage might possibly be in order.
Good to hear Coach! So the June- now time frame was the initial transfer from buds to your dealer and the 2 weeks or so it probably took for the atf to receive your form 4 and cash the check?

My suppressor check cashed July 9 and the Uzi check cashed Sept 20. I am hoping to see the suppressor stamp next month if there is any truth to the nfatracker predictions. I would love to see the Uzi by Christmas but I am sure it will be more of a January-February present.
Sorry to drag up a zombie but I GOT IT!

Finally got my stamp and my first class three item. REALLY excited. I've only gotten to shoot it once but it was an absolute riot!

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Am I understanding the math correctly?

You first posted in June 2012 and just today got your stamp? That's 13 months for a form 3 and a form 4?

Wow! That's a long wait.

Congratulations on your first toy. I'm so jealous!
No I've been away I got the stamp a little while ago but it was longer then it should have been because of the hold up with the form three and the original dealer not telling me it was at my LGS