First Skeet Match?


New member
Hi all. In my travels today I stumbled on a range, rented a Silver Pigeon and made a sad first time attempt at Sporting Clays on a whim. As humbling as it was it got my blood flowing for more. So here is my thought: Attend a Skeet match tomorrow with my BPS. I have very low expectations and really just want to do it to become a better shotgun shooter. The match is at a very friendly club where I feel comfortable. All I have ever done is a little bit of dove hunting and shooting clays with friends. What advise can you guys give? Thanks.
Follow the club's safety rules first and foremost - eyes and ears. NEVER more than 2 in the gun and ONLY when it's your turn to shoot and you are on station. Any basic load, no load larger than 1-1/8 nor shot larger than 7.5. Don't bring your duck or goose loads.

TELL everyone you are brand new. Is this a registered actual match or just some guys showing up to shoot? BIG difference in attitude when money is on the line... ;)

After safety, don't sweat your score, focus on the target - not your sight - and have some fun. Keep the gun moving on those targets and don't peek (lift your head)

Stopping the swing and lifting head are the two main reasons for missing.

Take a glimpse at the rules.....
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Is this a registered actual match or just some guys showing up to shoot?

NSSA monthly club match. Yes some money on the line. I have shot many an IDPA match out there so I am hoping the vibe is somewhat the same and know how to act. Thanks for your tip on the follow through and head lift.
If NSSA is like NSCA, one can join initially for free for the remainder of the year; sort of a "trial membership" to see if one likes it. And, IIRC, there is a difference between a club level match and a registered shoot; whereas sporting there is not.
Here is what the wording on the clubs calendar says. Other than this I have no idea. After all it looks like I am going to take my son to shoot some clays by ourselves today as I had already planned to that. Very interested in attending a match though to learn.

"Skeet Match

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM  Aug 13, 2017

Buccaneer Gun Club holds a monthly skeet match that is open to the public on the second Sunday of each month. Registration begins at 12:00 noon and shooting begins at 1:00 PM. Shooters need not be NSSA members to compete.
The entry fee is $12.00 for 2 rounds of skeet (50 birds). Money is paid back as prizes based on the Lewis Class scoring system. A non-member shooter may shoot 1 practice round at an additional cost of $5.00.
Shooters of all skill levels are welcome at these matches. There is a strong emphasis on safety. Eye and ear protection are mandatory for all participants. Please bring your own gun and shells. No shooting supplies are available at the range.
For NSSA members, we are an NSSA member club and offer you the ability to shoot Registered Birds at these monthly matches.
Please refer to the Club Calendar for the specific dates of these matches"

Sounds like a fun match. Lewis prizes are basically a random drawing based on scores:

That explains how it works.

50 birds, I would bring extra for that warm up and that JIC scenario where you might get a broken bird or two. Fairly rare in skeet compared to sporting but it's always easier to bring some extra ammo home than be short.

Good luck, have fun, stay safe, and enjoy the time with your son........
Well as I said I decided to take my son and bust some clays on our own. Man it sure is easier with those cheap, soft $40 throwers! At any rate I got some confidence back and going to put it on my list to attend a match. I am almost afraid to as all I need is another expensive aspect to this hobby! :) Thanks guys.
"...have very low expectations..." Forget about all of that and go shoot because it's fun. Join a club for that reason and because being a club member opens a lot of doors you don't even know are there.
"...going to take my son..." That'd be a good thing too. Take him to the Skeet shoot as well.
OP Here: Well yesterday I shot my first match of Trap. I used my Browning BPS and had fun. I only scored 17 out of 50 and took away $20 for winning the D Class! What a surprise! Having never shot a match before I now have a bar to rise above. Lol! Very informal match and a cool bunch of guys.

Funny, my practice round was better than either scored round. I have been watching Gil Snyders videos on youtube and tried to apply some of that logic. In my practice round I was able to do that and hit about 20 of 25. Something fell apart where I started thinking too much. Either way it was fun as crap and I will be back. If nothing else it is a way for me to shoot clays on a semi consistent basis. I was told of other tournament spots in the area and will seek them out. What a blast!
Remington has two brochures- one for trap and one for skeet. They not only cover the rules, but they also go over basic tips and techniques. Can be a bit to find on their site directly. Might be better to google it first for a link. When I get home in a few days, I can post it from my bookmarks on my PC. Oldies but goodies.
You don't need to wait for a skeet match. Call the range and ask which days some of the "regular" skeet shooters show up then join them. Skeet shooters all shoot the same station together, so there's more opportunity for interaction and coaching than in trap.

Don't be surprised if they aren't really friendly until they have watched you for a few minutes to assess your basic safety knowledge. Just watch your muzzle and observe the club's rules.