I'm going to make a recommendation on caliber first. Personally, I like anything in a .357. I like the flexibility to shoot .357 or 38s at the range because the 38s is cheaper. For carry, you can load up with .357 or some 38 +P.
You can go with a snubby, 3", 4", 6" revolver and also compliment those with a lever or bolt action rifle. The .357/38 is good for carry, home defense, backpacking, hunting. Oh, and just for fun, you can even branch out into single action revolvers.
There are so many brands out there and so many models in each brand, that most of the fun will be in trying them out and deciding what you like best. That is what it is really all about. What are you the most comfortable with that you feel like you can peform best with and rely on.
Take your time, enjoy the shopping, and go at it as if your life depends on it. God forbid, but someday it might!